Organizational Behavior

Assignment on Sales Force Activities of Grameen Phone

Assignment on Sales Force Activities of Grameen Phone


1.1: Statement of the Research problem

This term report is prepared for Rahma Akhter, course instructor of the Undergraduate program, School of Business; at University Of Information Technology and Science as a partial requirement of Sales force management. This report is prepared during the summer, 2011 semester and would be submitted in the same semester. The standard procedure for formal report (given by the instructor) has been followed.

1.2: Scope & objectives of the study

In this report we have tried to look into the two major activities of HR e.g. Recruitment & Selection & Training & Development of the Sales Department under the Marketing & Sales Division of Grameen Phone. We will also show how these activities support the organization’s overall strategy, and how it is linked to other sales activities within the organization.

1.3: Methodology of the study

The study is basically a combination of primary & secondary data. We have interviewed associated personnel of the Sales department & it was not very difficult for us. As the secondary source, information was also taken from books and other vouchers and as well as from World Wide Web.

1.4: limitations of the study

The major limitation factor for this report was primarily the reluctance and strict adherence to confidentiality maintenance attitude shown by the officials of Grameen Phone. Though we knew & had access to much information, but there are still some important things which we couldn’t get hold of & they don’t even prefer to disclose those in front of general people.


2.1: company profile

Grameen Phone Limited is an existing company, and is the leading cellular service provider in Bangladesh operating a nationwide. Over the past few years the use of cell phone brought about tangible changes in the lifestyle of the people of Bangladesh. Today, a cellular phone is a mere necessity. From a small retail trader at Karwan Bazaar to a remote villager uses cell phone. Six companies are operating in the mobile phone sector in Bangladesh. Grameen Phone, Citycell, Aktel, airtel, Teletalk and BanglaLink. Among them the services of Grameen Phone appear to be comparatively better in terms of nationwide networking, customer handling, trouble shooting, billing system etc. Grameen Phone (GP) has been established to provide high quality GSM cellular services at affordable prices. In addition to providing prepaid and postpaid cellular phone services, the company also assists in a -Village Phone- service by being the sole provider of telecommunications services to the Village Phone operators. The Village Phone service provides rural connectivity to approximately 30 million people. Grameen Phone’s total capitalization was US$120,000,000; including around US$50 million from IFC/CDC, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It also received US$60 million in equity from the four Grameen Phone private partners. “Grameen Phone” might have been born in Bangladesh, but soon it is likely to join the international cellular jargon. GSM MoU Association at GSM World Congress in Cannes where many villagers made their first-ever call using pre-paid, recently rewarded rural cellular marketing, by Vodaphone in South Africa. “Grameen Phone” the unique cellular operator from Bangladesh, also made an impressive presentation at Cannes.


► November 11, 1996: Grameen Phone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

► March 26, 1997: Grameen Phone launched on the Independence Day of Bangladesh.

►After Fourteen years of operation: After Fourteen years of operation, Grameen Phone has more than 20 million subscribers as of March 2010.

2.2: Vision, Mission & Challenge of Grameen phone


“To be leading provider of telecommunication services all over Bangladesh with satisfied customers and shareholders, and enthusiastic employees”


Grameen Phone Ltd. aims at providing reliable, widespread, convenient mobile and cost effective telephone services to the people in Bangladesh irrespective of where they live. Such services will also help Bangladesh keep pace with other countries including those in South Africa region and reducing her existing disparity in telecom services between urban and rural areas.


The famous slogan of Grameen Phone is – “Connectivity is Productivity”.

2.3: current market situation

► There are at present five companies operating in the mobile phone market. GP is the market leader in the mobile phone industry with nearly 70% of the market share.

► GP has more than 20 million subscribers as of March 2010.

► GP’s mobile-to-mobile connections have proved to be extremely successful. 2;00;00,000 of GP’s subscriptions are mobile-to-mobile.

►64 out of 64 districts are at present covered by GP. Services in Barisal were recently launched, expanding GP’s coverage to all seven divisions. GP has by far the largest coverage by any mobile phone operator in the country.

► 7% of the country’s land area and 67 million people are under GP’s coverage

► GP has 75 corporate clients, including British American Tobacco (BAT) Bangladesh Limited, Unocal Bangladesh Ltd., Cairn Energy, BOC Bangladesh Ltd., and Lever Brothers Bangladesh Ltd. There is a separate Corporate Sales Section, and dedicated corporate clients’ service is available to provide to special services.

► GP launched International Roaming operations with 35 new operators in 2002, bringing the total of 127 operators in 49 countries.

► National Roaming facility is being provided with Pre-Paid well as post paid services.

► GP has 353 points of sale (including dealers, outlets and individual agents) all over the country.

Product review

Product with no incoming charges:

1. G P Standard.

2. GP 1000

Product with incoming charges & BTTB connection:

3. GP regular.

4. GP 1001.

Mobile to Mobile products, no BTTB connection:

5. GP -GP Regular (ISD optional).

6. GP-GP Nation-wide (ISD optional).

The Village Phone Program began in 1997 from a social commitment that “good development is good business” made by Grameen Phone and its shareholders. The program is administered on a non-profit basis by Grameen Telecom with the help of Grameen Bank, the internationally acclaimed micro-credit lending institution

Company objectives: Grameen Phone Ltd. aims at providing reliable, widespread, convenient mobile and cost effective telephone services to the people in Bangladesh irrespective of where they live.

Mission statement: To be the leading provider of telecom services all over Bangladesh with satisfied customers, shareholders and enthusiastic employees. Company’s Strategy: Grameen Phone’s basic strategy is coverage of both urban & rural areas.

These four companies of Grameen Phone own shares in the following:


These four companies of Grameen Phone own shares in the following:


2.4: Introduction to sales department of grameen phone

The following picture shows the Organizational Chart of only Marketing & Sales Division, & Sales Department falls under this big division.

The Sales Department of GP has been started their journey on the beginning of Grameen Phone. As its name suggests this department involves in the selling procedure of GP and thus enjoys the responsibility of direct interface with the customers. When the GP started their journey, there were only 12 sales

representatives in that organization. Now the total number of sales personnel is close to about 4000.

2.5: responsibilities of sales department

  • Market survey and collecting the feedback
  • Participation in exhibition
  • Participation in opening of dealer’s outlet
  • Instant delivery
  • Introducing & selling new packages
  • Follow up with existing subscribers
  • Building up relations with subscribers

2.6: Distribution channel

The distribution channel consists of the Info Centers, Dealers and the Corporate Sales force.

Info Center:

Info center provides spot solutions. Here subscribers can get subscription. 8 trained and friendly people are serving at InfoCenter from 8am-6pm. There are also 2 Sales & Logistics Officer who is responsible for providing SIM (Subscribers Identification Module) cards and handsets to the subscribers and distribution of marketing items.


4 persons are responsible in dealing with Dealers at Dhaka and Chittagong each. There are 3 Dealers at present –SMAH,MK DISTRIBUTOR,& PARAGON LTD..

Corporate Sales Force:

45 officers are ready to serve any corporate in Dhaka and 25 employees in Chittagong.

Functions of Sales Department

Sales department consist of a number of sub-division which are linked with each other. All the sales activities of the organization are done by the sales department. Sales department is controlled and led by the Sales Director.  Four divisions of the sales department are:

  • Direct Sales,
  • Corporate Sales,
  • Distribution Sales, and
  • Sales Support.

Distribution Sales:

This is the largest team in the department. Distribution Sales Department is responsible for managing the product distriactivities and ensuring the sales targets are met by the company’s four distributors (SMAH, MK DISTIBUTOR & PARAGON LTD.). They are also responsible to ensure that these distributors and all the dealers who are operating under the distribution team are following the policies of the company with regard to promotions, package offerings, branding, pricing etc. This team works mostly outdoors and report to the manger of the department in the evening for the completion of all types of paper work.

Direct Sales:

This sales division helps the company to stay in close touch with its customers and get faster and more reliable feedback from the sales force. This sales division consists of 23 employees. The purpose of these booths is to sell directly to its customers, beside its distributors/dealers. The booths were originally established with the idea that people prefer to purchase their cell phones from reliable sources and no one can be more reliable than the company itself. Thus, they provide another mechanism by which the company can meet and satisfy its consumer’s communication needs, swiftly and completely.

The direct sales division operates two sales booths, run by its own employees. The first booth is located in Gulshan 2, on the 4th Floor of its head office, and the second booth in



Corporate Sales:

In comparison with direct and distribution sales, ‘Corporate Sales’ is very small and this sales division consists of only 12 employees including the manager. They are 3 sub units of the corporate sales department:

  • Large Corporate
  • SME (Small & Medium Enterprises)
  • PCO (Public call offices)

‘Large Corporate Sales’ deals with the sales activities to the large companies where they sell bulk amount which is more than 30 corporate connections.

SME deals with the sales activities to relatively small companies where they sell less than 30 corporate connections.

PCO sells high value packages to the telephonic business centers which is known as public call centers.

Sales Support:

This team is the smallest of all the four teams. There are only 7 employees in the department. But, they form an integral part of the department by providing logistical support to the other three teams. Thus, they have to maintain liaison with the ‘Procurement Department’ which maintains the out sourcing activities from

  • PARAGON Limited

SMAH Group is GP’S scratch card distributors; PARAGON and MK are wholly own subsidiaries of OTH who provide the company with SIM cards, SAF, handsets, POSM and other logistical support.


Recruitment is an important event for any department in any organization. Same is true for the sales department of Grameen Phone. Because sales persons come in direct contact with the customers and they are the ones to leave a direct impression of the organization in the customers’ mind. If a proper person is not recruited, this can in turn, substantially increase the hiring and training cost of the organization. The performance and potential of GP’s sales team has a direct correlation with the quality of recruitment. Recruitment is to find potential job applicants, inform them about the company and getting them to apply. The entire sales activities ultimately depend on a successful recruitment approach.

3.1: The recruiters (the officials involved in recruitment)

Although an important issue in recruitment is who will conduct the recruitment, varies from one organization to another. Depending on the company size, organization, management style, etc, the followings are eligible for the sales people recruitment in Grameen Phone.

  • Sales Managers
  • VP Sales
  • Sales Trainers
  • Managing Director
  • Campus Recruiter
  • Outside Agency

3.2: The general recruitment process


3.3: The recruitment process used by grameen phone

GP has a standard recruitment procedure for all the departments. However, that does not mean that the recruitment process is inflexible. It can vary whenever deemed necessary by the departments’ requirements. The same is true for sales recruitment as

well. Vacancies may arise in sales department because of organizational growth, separation, resignation, etc. The HR Department is responsible for handling the recruitment process with an involvement of the sales department. The company follows the Equal Employment Opportunity Act by not being prejudiced against men, women, minorities, etc. GP has a recruitment policy, which is fair and consistent, and conforms to legal regulations and best agreed practice. It claims to be non-discriminatory on the grounds of sex, age, race, religion or disability.

The HR department has the main responsibility for recruitment. It follows the following procedure for recruitment.

Identification of the need to recruit

This information is passed up by the Sales Department to initiate the recruitment process. They usually inform to the Human Resources Department to let it know that new people are needed for the sales department and what kind of qualifications are anticipated for the specific jobs which have a shortage of employees so that the HR department can take the required steps. The first step in the recruitment process of GP is to find out the vacancy, the position of the job, required qualifications, job description, and the personality traits desired.

Recruitment Budget

Upon request from the Sales Department, the HR Department makes an estimated budget according to the specific needs of the total recruitment process that will be undertaken to hire the new recruits. In this way, total cost of recruiting of the new personnel will be estimated. The finance & accounts department is also involved in this process.


GP (HR Department) advertises the vacancies to attract the candidates. But in this aspect, it is a bit nontraditional for Bangladesh. GP advertises mainly over the Internet. However, newspaper ads are also used when required and so are job fairs. In either media, the job qualifications are properly mentioned with some other necessary information to limit the number of applicants as well as to find the best candidates for the job. Besides, the ads give a brief description of the job, its roles and responsibilities, the specifications and also give an idea about the compensation and training programs. The Ads also mention a deadline for receiving CVs from applicants.


Upon receiving the CVs, the initial screening takes place. Simply put, GP (HR Department) shortlists the number of candidates based upon the information provided in the applications. In this process another organization named helps Grameen Phone is short listing. Grameen Phone is one of the biggest corporate clients of Grameen Phone.

The written examination

The candidates passing through the initial screening process are then called for a written examination (not always). This test is to evaluate job knowledge, communication skills and analytical aptitude of the candidate.

The Interview

A panel of managers takes the interview of the candidates who have passed the written test. The panel must have mangers from the HR department and the sales department. Well-structured interview focuses on required competencies for the particular sales position. The procedure is designed to solicit information from a person’s responses to oral inquiries.

Medical Examination

As with all sales jobs, the applicant requires to pass a medical examination. A doctor or a diagnostic center selected by the company conducts this examination. Employment will only be effective if the doctor certifies the recruit to be medically fit for the job.

Appointment and orientation

A candidate who passes through all these steps is of course the selected candidate. The deemed eligible candidate is then provided with an appointment letter and then is confirmed about his new job at Grameen Phone. The candidate joins the job and is instantaneously oriented with the organization, the department, his or her mangers and the fellow co-workers.

3.4: summary of the RECRUITMENT process USED by gp



The training program is a vital link in the process of converting the recruits into productive sales representatives. Money which is spent on recruiting and selecting salespeople may be wasted if their selection is not followed up with the proper training & development programs. Additionally, experienced representatives may not improve or even maintain their productivity if they are not provided with an adequate amount of continual training. So the purpose of sales training is to relate and improve the specific performance related skills, attitudes, perception and behaviors require for sales force success. Sales training works as one of the most vital weapons to achieve overall, long-run goals of an organization.

4.1: types of training

In Grameen Phone, there are 2 types of training. One type of training is ‘Job-Specific Training Program’ and the other is ‘General Management Program’. Job-specific training program is given to the employees within their separate department. According to the need of that specific job of specific department, each department specially organize training program for their employees. Like for the sales force, this training program is given to the new employees to give them knowledge about the changes in products, markets, customers’ need, competition, company policies, marketing strategies and industry trends etc. General management training program is mainly for the existing employees. In this training, employees are given more advanced training, because as they are more senior and mainly supervisor of the new employees, they need to have more knowledge in the management sector rather than simple product knowledge and market condition. That is why, this training program is mainly for the existing as well as executive employees provided by the Human resource department. A chart has been given in the next page to show the two types of trainings available in Grameen Phone.


4.2: training plan

Who should be trained?

Training is needed from newly hire sales people to experienced sales people. As newly a hire sales person doesn’t have enough knowledge about sales, training can help them in this regard. Although experienced people have knowledge about selling still they need training to cope with the changing world. It is important not only for the employees of the company but also for independent manufacturer representative, distributors, dealers, and users.

Recognizing training needs

Grameen Phone mainly follows ‘need based training’. That is, whenever the supervisor finds that his/her subordinates need sufficient training, they immediately take necessary steps and arrange training programs. The supervisors use several methods to assess training needs.

When training should take place

Timing of the training has two basic attitudes. Some organizations prefer training first than go for selling, where as some organizations want training based on after sales performance. In Grameen Phone, the Training programs are made as yearly basis for providing training on selling techniques and skills for all level of their employees including the ones from other departments because they believe that in a selling organization everybody needs to have some selling skill. The marketing department, sales department and HR department altogether do the overall plan. These meetings are referred to as Sales Pre-cycle Briefing meeting. Sales plan also has significant impact on the training plan because only proper training can ensure the implementation of the sales plan. The yearly plan for providing training makes sure that it can be helpful for the achievement of the objective of the sales plan.

The training department plans the training before 2-3 months from the time intended to provide the training to the employees. The Training Manager is responsible for preparing the budgeting, plan on which training for whom in all department, planning sales actions, and also give guidelines to the Human Resource Department for recruitment and selection. However, Sales Training Manager specifically works with the sales related training. According to the company’s perspective, everybody should have knowledge on selling skill. So, the Sales Training Manager plans what type of sales training is required for new recruits and the existing personnel and how the training is going to change the current performance and will help in achieving the desired level of performance.

Where training should take place

Training can be provided in both Centralized and Decentralized manner. Centralized training occurs when all the sales people come to one central location (often home office) to have training. On the other hand Decentralized training of sales people is usually held in field or regional sales offices. Grameen Phone follows both centralized and decentralized training. General Management Training Program for the top level executives are mainly held in the home office because centralized school normally has more formal facilities for training than are available in the field. As top level executives need more advanced training, that’s why, it usually held in the head-office. On the other hand, as the work of the sales force are mainly field based, so they often have to go with their senior sales people to the field, have to do on-the-job training, attend seminars, conferences etc to increase their outer knowledge. After need assessment, Grameen Phone often sends their employees abroad. Like if any workshop is going on the parent company in Norway, the sales executives are sent there for training. Expenses of overseas training are generally borne by GP.

Who should be the trainer?

A trainer is the person on whom the success or failure of the whole training program is dependent. There are two types’ trainers, they are-

1. Regular line executives,

2. Outside specialists.

Because each has certain advantages, it is not unusual to find organizations using all these three types as well as using one or two types. It basically depends on the size of the firm, the characteristics of the product line, the focus of the training where the sessions are held etc. Grameen Phone has both line executive trainer and outside specialists. The sales manager and senior sales representatives usually train their own sales force. In that way, the trainer can get better understanding about the laggings of their sales force and can take necessary steps according to that. On the other hand, sales force also get known environment because of their own supervisor as their trainer.  Grameen Phone also bring outside specialists from abroad like Norway, Europe, India etc. In this way, they get the most advance and recent information from their competitors.

4.3: training techniques

Grameen Phone uses different training technique depending on the training content, purpose of the training program, participants of the program as well as time required for the completion of the training.

  • Lectures: A lecture is the best way to present a basic outline of a subject in a shorter time to a larger number of trainees than any of the other techniques. When information about Grameen Phone’s products, new services, and new findings in the research and company information, market condition is to be given to the trainees then the training department adopts lectures.
  • Discussion: When any new product is launched or when there is any need for changing the selling technique or policies, discussion is used as a training method where both the trainer and the trainees can share their thoughts and opinions. Sometimes, when cases are given to the trainees to solve the problem and suggest recommendation, group discussion also takes place among the trainees.
  • Demonstration: Demonstrations are used to great advantage in teaching both product knowledge and selling techniques. Sales force also uses demonstration as the training technique because it enables the trainee to see what is the appropriate way to handle the customers in varying situation that are difficult to describe.
  • Role-playing: When Grameen phone focus on the effective selling techniques, they use role playing. Suppose, a sales person fails to make a sale to a prospective client, role playing can be a useful method to teach the person how he/she should have behaved in that particular situation and could have made the sale. So for the training of teaching basic as well as advanced selling technique and for improving communication skill of the trainees, role-playing is said to be the most effective by GP training department.

  • Video enhanced training: GP uses video enhanced training method when the purpose of the training program is to improve the selling skill of the participants. By adopting this method, the trainer can show the participants different situations where the sales person is making a sale by applying his/her selling skill. This method helps the trainees to see what type of selling skill is required to make a successful sale depending on different type of products and customers. This method helps in saving cost and time because various type of selling skill can be taught within a short span of time just by showing video clips.

4.4: training budget

The allocation of training budget is basically determined by 2 ways. These are:

  • Bottom-Up Method
  • Top-Bottom


In this method the whole process of training budget allocation starts from the sales division. The manager of training division determines the requirements and communicates with the top management, which then analyzed in a holistic way to ensure the congruency with organizational goals.


Top-bottom method of budget allocation process rather starts from the top management or board. The initiation of this process is basically fueled by somewhat subjective judgment made on part of the board members. If the management feels the need for training to enhance the productivity or to overcome difficult situation, then management communicate the need to the division. The division then analyzes the scenario and provides feedback regarding training budget.

S W O T ANALYSIS – R & S and T & D

5.1: SWOT analysis of gp’s recruitment & selection


  • All the rules and procedures are clearly defined.
  • It is very easy for interviewers to evaluate candidates based on systematic process.
  • The involvement of both HR and sales department in the recruitment makes it professional and effective.
  • The process is designed to test the employee from various aspects, so the probability of choosing a good candidate is good.


  • The advertisements are mostly posted over the Internet. But for Bangladesh, the best media for job advertisements is seen to be the newspapers.
  • The recruitment process is lengthy.


  • Grameen Phone has established itself as a lucrative employer and so, it can expect to get many god candidates for the recruitment.
  • The company can arrange job fairs and try to get a larger and interested pool of candidates for the sales divisions.


  • As Grameen Phone is the industry leader in its sector, other companies are copying the procedures of GP and are benefiting from it.
  • Other companies that are copying GP’s recruitment procedures can soon be able to modify the process and in the process, come up with a way to better recruiter than Grameen Phone.

5.2: SWOT analysis of gp’s training & development



  • The training department has sufficient expertise to provide different types of training to all level of employees.
  • Participative style of training programs allows optimum level of interaction between trainer and trainee, thus enhancing the training outcome.



  • Most of the time the budget which is given by Board is not adequate.
  • The lengthy, bureaucratic training budget allocation process often hampers the effectiveness of the training programs by delaying etc.


  • The culture to sending employees abroad to participate in various workshops may provide the trainee with distinctive invaluable insights towards their selling profession.
  • The invention of the state-of-the-art communication Medias would facilitate the training programs in terms of saving time, increasing effectiveness etc.


  • After completing the training programs, the new recruits may leave Grameen Phone, which will be, a major upset considering the high cost associated with it.
  • There is a chance that the recruits after being trained may disclose the sensitive training contents, which was required a lot of hard work and research work to develop. The discloser of valuable information may cause the competitors to take unfair chances against Grameen Phone.


6.1: RECRUITMENT & selections

More involvement of Sales Managers required in the recruitment process: The HR department seems to be more involved in the recruitment process with the sales department being the less active one. The HR department is of course professional about the matter. However, the sales department has the better idea about the kind of attributes and qualities that is required for the job. They are more capable of identifying the better potential in the candidates. Therefore, the sales managers should be more involved in the recruitment procedure, while the HR department acts more as a facilitator in the process.

Co-relation between Recruitment & Turnover: Quite recently, there has been a substantial increase in the turnover rate compared to the previous years. There is always a co-relation between recruitment and turnover rate in all organizations. To counter this, the recruitment process needs to be corrected. The solution to such problem is to go through a more rigorous test of candidates before selecting and appointing them at GP. There must be interviews targeted to find out the eagerness of the candidate and his or her probability of staying at GP.

Give ads to other Medias:  One key issue of recruitment is to attract a pool of candidates. However, the candidates have to be quality candidates. The more quality candidates that are available, the more probability there is that the recruitment will be a success. GP mainly advertises its vacancies over the net. But the more prominent media used by potential applicants is the newspaper. It is true that more technology oriented people use the net. But they do not necessarily use it to seek jobs. So, GP try on campus recruitment, job fairs and newspaper ads more often than now.

6.2: training & development

Quick approval of training budgets: The process of allocating the budget represents another problem by being very lengthy and bureaucratic. The problem is magnified in times when quick training is necessary to fill-up vacant places or to deal with certain types of situation. The top management should devise a quicker decision making process and keep a sharp eye so that inter-departmental bargaining can’t affect the proper allocation.

Increase in the amount of training budget: One of the major problems that are prevalent in Grameen Phone is that the board is bit reluctant to provide with sufficient training budget. In general, there is a positive co-relation between the training budget and the quality of the training. As Grameen Phone is in such an industry where moderate level of technical knowledge is required by the sales persons, who work as educating the agents afterwards, top management should focus on increasing the training budget to avoid suffering from “myopia” i.e. increasing the temporary benefit at the cost of long-term organizational goals.

Separate staff sales trainers: At present GP is relying on line sales executives and to some extent to the outside consultants. A large corporation like GP should have separate staff sales trainers along with line sales executives, who will be working on developing more sophisticated, up-to-date sales training programs in order to meet the upcoming challenges. Inevitably, line sales executives have less concentration to provide training while there work is on progress. If the line sales executives do focus more on training then there’s a high chance they will be unable to complete their main tasks. So, in order to increase the effectiveness, GP should also acquire staff sales trainers who would be held responsible to greater extent for sales training programs development, implementation and evaluation.


In this report we have talked about GP’s recruiting & training process, what is required for recruitment & training and so forth and also we have discussed about the training technique of the sales force at the same time we have discussed about the drawbacks of both recruiting and training process. We have also recommended for overcoming these drawbacks. So the bottom line of the project paper is Grameen Phone is a well-known and most popular mobile phone company in this country.

For any organization, recruiting and training, these two are very significant tasks. Recruiting the right sales force for any company has a very significant impact for Grameen phone. As it is the leading telecommunication organization in this country, it is very important for the company to recruit the right sales force for its operation. If they fail to recruit the most efficient sales force, it will be not possible for the company to remain as the number one mobile industry in the competitive market. And to remain as the number one mobile industry Grameen Phone need to train its sales force more efficient and effective than ever before. And to do so, they will have to make the training technique more effective, more motivational and more efficient.