


EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY:  Online shopping matter is a significant issue for modern internet based world. As a part of our study on online shopping behavior we give our focus on some online shopping related issue such as percentage of product purchase, kinds of product, geographic area of online shopping, perception of online shopping in Bangladesh, feelings about online shopping and so on online shopping related behavior. Our research team has tried to find out the relationship between customers search behavior and their purchase intention.


Many studies are completed in to the online shopping behavior such as “Bhatnagar,Misra & Rao,2000; Lohse & Spiller,1998; Szmanski & Hise,2000; Liao & Cheung,2001.” Those studies  have classified into four categories: Influence the consumers attitude, customer service & promotions, navigation and convenience, and security.

Influence the consumers attitude towards online shopping and their online buying behavior are measure by demographics, vender/ service / product characteristics, & website quality [Bhatnagar,Misra & Rao,2000]. They report that the convenience the internet affords and risk perceived by the consumers are related to the two depended variables [attitude & behavior] positively and negatively.

The second category is customer service and promotion. Customer wants careful, continuous, useful communication, across geographic barriers [Lohse & Spiller,1998]. A customer service includes sales clerk services for merchandise selection, credit, and return & payment policies. Customer want help with product selection, gift services, contact information for sales representatives & information about shipping and handling cost, promotions involve advertising and sales events that attract customer such as lottery games, frequent buyer schemes and product related tips.

The third one is navigation and convenience. This is related to the user interface of an online store [Szmanski & Hise,2000]. Store layout ,organization features, as well as ease of use are considered in this category. Online shopping is thought to be satisfying to consumers when the retailer sites are fast, uncluttered, & easy to navigate.

The fourth category is security. Security of online transactions continues to dominate the discussions on electronic commerce [ Elliot & Fowell,2000; Liao & Cheung,2001].consumers are concerned about disclosing their private and financial information. Most online shopping sites provide personal information privacy protection policy & guarantee for transaction security.

In our studies we focus on shopping behavior of online user that are included with what kinds of products they buy, percentage of product buying, device use for online shopping, geographic area for shopping etc.Finally, the similarity between our studies and researchers view is on customer service and their feelings. But the differentiation of our research is only for Bangladeshi peoples oriented and find out their feelings/behavior toward online shopping.


Online shopping has been a growing phenomenon in all four corners of the world, in particular amongst countries possessing highly developed infrastructure available for marketing activities through the internet. Today, internet is not only a networking media, but also a global means of transaction for consumers. It has been reported that more than 627 million people in the world shopped online in 2006.

The concept of online shopping behavior refers to the process of purchasing products or services via the Internet. In the typical online shopping process, when potential consumers recognize a need for some merchandise or service, they go to the Internet and search for need-related information. In this article we also focus on potential moderating effects on the relation between customers search behavior and their purchase intention..


As a student of Marketing Research (MKT-4154) we have conducted a research on online shopping behavior. This research has done to link between theoretical knowledge and its practical implementation.

We have tried to give our maximum afford to complete this task.

We have created some questionnaire about the preference and factors related to the online shopping and do the field survey selecting the defined respondent.


Basically we focus on online users who have to lead their shopping by online. As part of their life style most of people prefers online shopping but kinds of product, geographic area, device use for online shopping, etc are a major determiner of their behavior toward online shopping.



General objective of the study is to find out the attitudes towards online shopping behavior of the peoples of Bangladesh.


The specific objective of the study is to find out the answers of our questionnaire and giving clear recommendation about online shopping behavior of Bangladeshi people.    



This work is based on both secondary and primary sources of data. The secondary sources of data include internet articles, some foreign and local websites on online shopping.

Most of the data required for the study were collected from primary source through structured questionnaire & the questionnaire contains seven questions .In the questionnaire we use both semantic, likert scale questions. This is fulfilled by thirty respondents. The entire respondent from the geographic area Bangladesh & all are experienced with online shopping.


We have done the entire analytical task for this assignment manually. We are using some diagram for displaying the finding of each question. And the diagram is draw by manually.


This report is showing the findings of online shopping behavior of Dhaka’s consumers. And we select just 30 respondents which is not sufficient respondent for find out the proper result. For the time shortness we present the findings of our assignment manually. So there have some error possibility.


Recently Bangladesh has highlighted as “DIGITAL BANGLADESH”. And the people of Bangladesh always prefer innovative ideas, so here there is a huge possibility of online shopping. Another reason is people are now become busier they don’t have enough time for visiting the store and shopping. So they are more depending on online shopping.

By considering all the above reasons we can say that after two or three years people are heavily depend on online shopping. So our recommendation for all business organization of Bangladesh to set online selling system on their business. For surviving in modern market.