
Article On Health And Fitness

Article On Health And Fitness

Health can, generally, be measured on major three parameters: Physical, Psychological and Nutritional. Physical health means the physical appearance of a person; Nutritional health means the presence of essential nutrients in the body to fight diseases with immunity. Psychological health means the ability in a person to maintain patience, calm and composure in all circumstances of life.

A healthy and fit person is capable of living life to the fullest, without any major medical or physical issues. Being healthy is not only related to the physical well-being of a person, but it also involves the mental stability or the internal peace of a person.

Generally, a healthy diet consists of taking a proper and healthy food which includes eating green and fresh vegetables, fruits, having milk, eggs, minerals, proteins, and vitamins essential for a human’s lifestyle. Practicing Yoga including regular exercises in our daily routine also helps us maintain our desired fitness, blood sugar, and immunity level.

A person who is fit both physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups and downs of life and is not affected by drastic changes in the circumstances. One should also spend time outdoors in the sun, inhaling fresh air and taking part in healthy activities. Staying active makes you stay energetic. Out of the several components that affect one’s health, the following are the seven key physical components to ensure the overall good health, fitness, and mental well-being:

  • Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning
  • Strength Training and Muscular Development
  • Stretching – Muscles, Ligaments, and Tendons
  • Core Stability – Both physical and mental
  • Nutrition and Supplementation – Balanced Diet
  • Mental Rest and Relaxation – Balanced lifestyle
  • Sleep – Regular sleep

Eating healthy and nutrients rich food, exercising, taking sufficient sleep, avoiding intake of harmful substances are just a few simple ways to stay healthy and fit. These are directly related to our mental, physical and emotional health.

People, who take their health seriously and are serious about maintaining their fitness, do exercises on a daily basis, eat a healthy diet, and sleep well on time for adequate duration. Being healthy and fit allows us to stay active and further increases our confidence and concentration power. By staying healthy and fit, one can set an example for others and slowly help others increase their health, nutrition, knowledge, and consumption of sustainably produced foods.

Nutrition and fitness are essential for healthy living. Not only we look and feel good, but by eating the right nutritional food and doing the right amount of exercise, we could also lower the chances of getting some pretty serious life-threatening diseases. Things to be done for maintaining a balanced healthy and fit lifestyle:

  • Keeping the body hydrated – Drink ample water
  • Washing hands before and after meals – Maintain sanitation
  • Regular exercise
  • Intake of nutrients
  • Regular, sound sleep

Every generation should take care of their health and fitness. Since childhood, it is easy to focus on this aspect of life as dietary habits of childhood are difficult to change afterward. Health and fitness are determined by what we eat, how we live our lives, our choice of leisure pursuits and what we do to keep ourselves physically fit. Keeping fit is about how we choose to live our lives as individuals and the levels of fitness we aspire to. Maintain our health and fitness to keep our body look and feel good, but also maintain a level of physical fitness which will enable us to manage and enjoy our daily lifestyle.

Sound health not only means keeping a healthy body but it also includes a healthy mental condition. Our health depends upon several factors such as food, pollution, regular sleeping habits, fresh air, water, sunlight, and healthy mental condition. Morning walks and physical exercises are very helpful for ensuring the fitness of our mind and body.