
A Report On Role Of Satellite Channels In Our Present-Day Society

A Report On Role Of Satellite Channels In Our Present-Day Society

Staff Correspondent/ Reporter, (Date :__/__/__):

Although some people blame Satellite channels for cultural aggression, it has become an inseparable part of our day-to-day life.

Modern society is going to be a knowledge-based society and Satellite Channels are playing an important role in disseminating knowledge and information. With the help of Satellite Channels, we can know what is happening across the globe almost instantly. Channels like Geography, Discovery, etc. give us updated information about the animal world, space research, sea exploration, etc. Many other Channels have their knowledge-based programs. So sitting in our drawing-room we can learn a lot.

Of course, there might be some bad effects of Satellite Channels. Often school-going children become addicted to it and neglect their study. Also by watching Satellite Channels teenagers are influenced by a foreign culture. But Satellite Channels are not responsible for this bad effect. If the users are judicious, it is possible to avoid the bad effects. So, people should use it for the good of society.