
Warning Letter Format for Teacher on the Basis Usage of Phone

Warning Letter Format for Teacher on the Basis Usage of Phone

Warning Letter Format for Teacher on the Basis Usage of Phone

Date: dd-mm-yy

To Whom It May Concern



Name: XYZ

School/College Name:

Subject: Warning letter for teacher

Respected Sir/Madam,

You are a man of letter and your worth is not hidden from your own very eyes as well. In the appointment letter it was clearly written and then vowed by you that using of mobiles in not permitted in the class as it makes the whole class to suffer them in their academic career. Oral warnings and notifications were given to you many a time but you took them very casually which I not a positive sign.

Your carefree attitude compelled me to take strict and unpleasant action against you in the form of written warning. Do mind it seriously otherwise you will be removed from your duties or we will take away your mobile from you.


