A Rumor Takes Wing

A Rumor Takes Wing

Once upon a time, there lived a pundit. One day, he was crossing a field on his way home. As he walked, he suddenly felt…
God Provides

God Provides

Once upon a time Andhra Pradesh there ruled a very generous King. He was known for his kindness. Every day two beggars would visit the…
The Plattner Story

The Plattner Story

Gottfried Plattner is, in spite of his name, a freeborn Englishman. His father was an Alsatian who came to England in the ‘sixties, married a…
The Challenge

The Challenge

There once lived a merchant in a village in Orissa. One morning, he was taking a stroll by the seaside. Some distance away, he saw…
The Storm

The Storm

I The leaves were so still that even Bibi thought it was going to rain. Bobint, who was accustomed to converse on terms of perfect…
The Bearded Fool

The Bearded Fool

Once upon a time, there lived a man who had a long beard that he was very proud of. Every day, he would clean his…
Love As Salt

Love As Salt

A very long time ago, there lived a king and his three daughters. One day, the king wanted to find out which of his daughters…
A Turkey Hunt

A Turkey Hunt

Thereof Madame’s finest bronze turkeys were missing from the brood. It was nearing Christmas, and that was the reason, perhaps, that even Monsieur grew agitated…
Banana Treat

Banana Treat

There once lived a group of monkeys in a jungle. An old monkey was the chief of the group and he ruled them wisely and…
How The Cowherd Found A Bride

How The Cowherd Found A Bride

There was once a Goala who was in charge of a herd of cattle and every day he used to bring the herd for their…
Wealth Or Wisdom

Wealth Or Wisdom

Once upon a time, there was a Raja and a rich merchant, and they each had one son. The two boys went to the same…
The Farmer And The Money-Lender

The Farmer And The Money-Lender

Here was once a farmer who suffered much at the hands of a money-lender. Good harvests, or bad, the farmer was always poor, the money-lender…
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