Violence against Women

Violence against Women

Violence against Women Violence against women has been a serious social, cultural and economic problem. Violence results in misunderstanding might, power and support by the…
Importance of Vocational Education

Importance of Vocational Education

General education and vocational education are the two ways and means of education-one that give theoretical experience and the other practical. The former is compulsory…
Importance of Mass Media

Importance of Mass Media

Mass media, according to the dictionary definition, includes the newspaper, television, and radio which are used to communicate with the mass of the people. They…
Leisure Time

Leisure Time

Leisure Time Leisure is the sweetest of moments when a man has nothing specific to do. When he is his own master and can dispose…
First Day at College

First Day at College

First Day at College Life is full of strange experiences—good and bad, happy and sad. Days come and pass away again from our temporal life.…
Last day at College

Last day at College

Last day at College College life a very important part of every individual’s life. The last day at college means the last class of the…
My Home

My Home

My Home Any dwelling place man lives in can not be called a home. There is no other better place in the world, than being…
Importance of Journalism

Importance of Journalism

Importance of Journalism Journalism means the works of a journalist regarding news, views, reports, etc. It is an investigation and reporting of current world affairs…
Importance of E-Commerce

Importance of E-Commerce

Importance of E-Commerce This is an age of science and technology. The e-Commerce is the demand of time, customers, business and nations. The practice, description,…
Feminism Today

Feminism Today

Feminism Today The term, “feminism’ is derived from ‘Feminismi’ a French word, which was coined by a utopian socialist named Fouriers. It is defined in…
Influences of Films

Influences of Films

Influences of Films Everything on earth has more or less influence over time. The inner instincts of a man are keen on something for some…


Cinema is one of the most popular inventions of modern science, especially that type of it known as the Talkie. Now it has become a…
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