TechnologyElectromagnetic Pump An electromagnetic pump is a pump that uses electromagnetism to move liquid metal, molten salt, brine, or other electrically conductive liquid. It is also known…
EnvironmentClear Evidence of Human-Caused Climate Change Signal from Atmospheric Research Linked to CO2 Increases A new body of research reveals that unique signals from human activities have changed the temperature structure of Earth’s atmosphere and establishes a definite human…
TechnologyRadioisotope Piezoelectric Generator A radioisotope piezoelectric generator (RPG) is a type of radioisotope generator that uses the repeated deformation of a piezoelectric material to generate electricity by converting…
EnvironmentBoreal Wetlands are a Major Source of Reactive Vapors in a Warming Climate, a New Study Shows A recent study done by the University of Eastern Finland and published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics found that isoprene and terpenes, a class of…
PhysicsMechanical Metamaterials with Extremely High Energy Absorption Capacities are Created by Researchers Ion track technology has been used by Chinese researchers to create mechanical metamaterials with extremely high energy absorption capacities. As an Editor’s Highlight, the findings…
TechnologyMany Typical Homebrew Hacking Methods are Broken due to an Unexpected 3DS Upgrade Nintendo has stopped producing its Nintendo 3DS handheld hardware for years, and the 3DS eShop for new downloading game purchases has been closed for months.…
TechnologyNew Nanostructures Promise a Leap for Sophisticated Electronics from Sheets to Stacks Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have created multi-layered junctions in transition metal dichalcogenides that are arranged in planes. They formed a thick, bonded, planar heterostructure…
PhysicsElectrohydrodynamics The study of the dynamics of electrically charged fluids is known as electrohydrodynamics (EHD), also known as electro-fluid-dynamics (EFD) or electrokinetics. It is a physics…
PhysicsA Dual-Purpose Laser and LED Device is Created by Engineers Using Colloidal Quantum Dot Technology In order to create technologically viable high-intensity light emitters based on colloidal quantum dot technology, a team from the Los Alamos National Laboratory has overcome…
TechnologyMagnetohydrodynamic Generator A magnetohydrodynamic generator (MHD generator) is a magnetohydrodynamic converter that converts thermal and kinetic energy into electricity directly. It is a device that uses magnetohydrodynamic…
TechnologyNew Self-Assembled Crystal Structures are Found by Researchers More than 20 novel self-assembled crystal structures, none of which had ever been seen before, have been discovered by Cornell University researchers using a focused…
TechnologyHybrid Integrated Circuit A hybrid integrated circuit (HIC), hybrid microcircuit, hybrid circuit, or simply hybrid is a miniaturized electronic circuit made up of individual devices bonded to a…