OtherDisability Rights Movement The disability rights movement is a global social movement aimed at ensuring equal opportunities and rights for all people with disabilities. It is a social…
OtherElderly Care Elder care, also known as aged care in some parts of the English-speaking world, is a service that caters to the needs of elderly people.…
TechnologyFor Next-Generation Electronics, Researchers Create High-Quality Tellurium Nanomesh Using a Low-Temperature Synthesis Technique City University of Hong Kong (CityU) academics lead a collaborative team that recently developed a novel technique for producing high-quality, semiconducting nanomesh at a lower…
ChemistryPotassium Selenate Potassium selenate, K2SeO4, is an odorless, white solid that forms as the potassium salt of selenic acid. It is relatively stable under normal conditions. It…
AstronomyA Rocky Exoplanet’s Thick Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere is Ruled Out by Webb TRAPPIST-1 c’s infrared data suggest that it is probably not as resembling Venus as formerly thought. The heat emitted by TRAPPIST-1 c, an exoplanet circling…
AstronomyBarred Spiral Galaxy A barred spiral galaxy is a spiral galaxy with a central star-shaped structure. It’s a type of galaxy distinguished by a central bar-shaped structure made…
AstronomyDead Satellites will be Grabbed by a New Mission and Thrown into the Atmosphere to Burn Up The threat posed by Kessler syndrome has been the subject of numerous news reports. The debris cloud that surrounds our planet makes space unreachable in…
HealthFoodborne Illness Foodborne illness (food poisoning) is defined as any illness caused by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as prions (the agents…
BiologyCryo Conservation Cryo Conservation, also known as Cryopreservation, is the process of preserving biological materials at extremely low temperatures, such as cells, tissues, organs, or even whole…
AstronomyExceptional Demolition Derby Gives Rise to Potent Gammaa-Ray Burst An international team of astronomers may have discovered a brand-new method of star destruction while looking for the causes of a strong gamma-ray burst (GRB).…
HealthFood Spoilage Food spoilage is the process by which a food product becomes unfit for consumption. It is the process by which food becomes unfit for human…
EnvironmentScientists Claim that Greenhouse Gas Emissions are at “an all-time high” and that this is Causing an Unprecedented Rate of Global Warming According to 50 top scientists, human-caused global warming has continued to advance at a “unprecedented rate” since the last significant assessment of the climate system…