Tim Peake, an astronaut, is set to take another trip to orbit, but this time he’ll bring us along. He’s the host of a new documentary that will examine some of the universe’s most intriguing mysteries in three parts. Each episode will focus on a different classic and exciting subject, such as The Planets, Stars & Black Holes, and Living in Space.
The series combines real-world observations, cutting-edge graphics, and a wide group of experts from around the world and across disciplines. This combination enables the ever-charismatic Peake to really immerse himself in the most intriguing astronomical study now underway. From the origins of life on Earth and whether or not it could exist on other worlds, to the development of stars and what it’s like for humans to live in space, the documentary doesn’t shy away from the big topics.
Despite the complexity of both the questions and the solutions, the work is incredibly approachable, even to the youngest members of the audience. The balance struck is certain to be a winner; Secrets Of Our Universe will captivate both those who are already interested in space and those who are unfamiliar with the subject.

“If I had to pick one, it’s probably black holes in episode two, simply because black holes started out as a mathematical theory, a question.” Examine the numbers. According to the calculations, if you gather enough material, a star will explode in a supernova and then collapse. Peake explained, “It could completely collapse on itself and become this theoretical thing out there in the universe.”
“And we’ve now taken photographs of a black hole since that theory about 100 years ago.” They are known to exist worldwide. Supermassive black holes are known to exist at the center of most galaxies. And this is an exciting field of research, and I believe black holes will reveal some of the mysteries we don’t yet understand about why our ideas don’t completely make sense.”