
The Problems of being Overweight

The Problems of being Overweight

The Problems of Being Overweight

Overweight has become a global problem in the last decade, according to the World Health Organization. Today, many men, women, and children are overweight. The main factor that is contributing to obesity is our lifestyles. This is the direct consequence of our modern lifestyle where many physical chores and activities are taken over by machines and energy-saving devices. is a concern because of its implications for the health of an individual as it increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions. These are all taken care of by gas stoves, piped water, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, etc. Modern machines and farming methods have mostly replaced physical labor. So many of us, without the physical exertions that burn up energy and keep us lean, become overweight.

Having too much body fat can lead to many diseases. An overweight person has increased risks of falling prey to hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and many other debilitating diseases. Overweight people should be encouraged to do a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet and exercise. These potentially deadly conditions are in addition to the sheer weight that the person has to lug around every day, making it hard to walk for a distance, climb stairs, or even just to get up from a chair. This problem is spreading and we will not stop spreading until people realize that obesity is truly dangerous. Women will be likely to gain weight during their pregnancy. Also, children who do not eat too much while watching TV can see that the proportion of overweight and obesity is much higher. The time spent watching TV accounts for the majority of children’s free time and amount. This can chain to their social health than to their spiritual health as well.

The seriousness of this problem has serious consequences for individuals and government health systems. Being overweight is certainly no fun, and is definitely hazardous to health. It is better to keep within the normal range and stay healthy as much as possible. Excessive body fat can cause many diseases. Over the past 10 years, overweight is a global problem. We do not need weight problems. Living is much more pleasant and enjoyable without them. Treatment involves a long-term plan for making lifestyle changes. Medicine or surgery is sometimes used. It is better to have a healthy lifestyle as early as now to prevent ourselves from being overweight.