
The Official Anthem of Space Force Has Everyone Laughing

The Official Anthem of Space Force Has Everyone Laughing

The Internet has made fun of the Space Force, the smallest component of the US armed forces, pretty much since its establishment. Space Force is the force that nobody seems to take all that seriously, whether it’s by Trekkies for their logo or by everyone for the fact that their uniforms are the kind of camouflage that hides you among trees, which are renown for being not that abundant in space.

It really hasn’t helped themselves by releasing a new official song, though. Tuesday saw the premiere of “Semper Supra,” which is Latin for “always above,” and it drew about the expected response.

The Space Force members are referred to as “guardians beyond the blue” in the song, which has a Pythonesque jaunty beat, and they are also described as “boldly reaching out into space,” which is undoubtedly a reference to the opening of Star Trek.

“We’re the mighty watchful eye,
Guardians beyond the blue,
The invisible front line,
Warfighters are brave and true.
Boldly reaching into space,
There’s no limit to our sky.
Standing guard both night and day,
We’re the Space Force from on high.”

The song’s creation process was documented in a behind-the-scenes video released by The Space Force.

James Teacher, a former member of the US Air Force band, stated of the lyrics he penned, “I wanted to fully express all the capabilities that our Space Force is associated with and make sure I didn’t mess up on the mission, or the vision of what the Space Force accomplishes.”

People’s responses to the song ranged from “I approve of this new space force song as a guy who loves our military and plays trumpet” to “Is this an SNL skit?” While this was going on, several users on Twitter made fun of the video and pointed out how similar it was to Mel Brooks’ song “Jews in Space.”

The song was compared to Starship Troopers, a Starship Troopers sequel, and a sci-fi movie that is being released straight to DVD and pretends to be Starship Troopers. More positive remarks commended its 1940s vibes and compared it to “the music from Wall-E.”