Cognitive Map

Cognitive Map

Cognitive Map is a mental picture or image of the layout of one’s physical environment. The term was first coined by a psychologist named Edward…
Attribution Theory

Attribution Theory

Attribution theory is concerned with how individuals interpret events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior. This theory assumes that people try to determine…
Influence Diagrams Approach

Influence Diagrams Approach

An Influence diagram(ID) is basically a graphical representation with the probabilistic interdependence between Effectiveness Shaping Factors (PSFs), factors which pose a probability of influencing the…
Human Reliability

Human Reliability

Human reliability is critical due to the contributions of humans towards resilience of systems also to possible adverse consequences involving human errors or oversights, especially…


Voluntaryism is a social philosophy in modern civilization. Precursors of the voluntaryist movement had a lengthy tradition in the particular English-speaking world, at least dating back…


Egocentrism is the inability to separate between self along with other. More specifically, oahu is the inability to untangle summary schemas from target reality; an…


In intercultural competence the phrase polycentrism is realized as attitude as well as openness towards some other cultures, opinions and means of life: when intercultural…
Personality Disorder

Personality Disorder

Personality, defined psychologically, is the set of long-lasting behavioral and psychological traits that distinguish humans. Hence, personality disorder is defined by activities and behaviors that…
Predispositioning Theory

Predispositioning Theory

Predispositioning theory was founded by Aron Katsenelinboigen (1927–2005), a Professor throughout Wharton School who sorted out indeterministic systems such as chess, business, economics, and other…
Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology that studies uncommon patterns of actions, emotion and considered, which may or may not be understood as precipitating…
Rehabilitation Neuropsychology

Rehabilitation Neuropsychology

Therapy of sensory along with cognitive function typically involves methods for retraining neural pathways or training fresh neural pathways to help regain or strengthen neurocognitive…
Pediatric Neuropsychology

Pediatric Neuropsychology

Pediatric neuropsychology is a sub-speciality within the field of clinical neuropsychology that studies the relationship between brain health and behaviour in children. Many pediatric neuropsychologists…
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