Quality of Working Life

Quality of Working Life

Quality of working life refers to the favourableness or unfavourableness of a job environment for the people working in an organisation. The period of scientific…
Psychopathy in Workplace

Psychopathy in Workplace

This article describe on Psychopathy in Workplace, which typically represent only a small percentage of the staff, they are most common at higher levels of…
Personnel Psychology

Personnel Psychology

Personnel Psychology is a branch of industrial and organizational psychology that is concerned with the process of acquiring staff and the mental well-being and work…
Individual Psychological Assessment

Individual Psychological Assessment

Individual Psychological Assessment (IPA) has gained in use and in value to organizations in the management of human resources. However, even though IPA is considered…
Self Efficacy

Self Efficacy

Self Efficacy is the measure of the belief in one’s own ability to complete tasks and reach goals.It affects every area of human endeavor. By…
Rubicon Model in Psychology

Rubicon Model in Psychology

Rubicon model in Psychology defines clear boundaries between motivational and action phases. The first boundary separates the motivational process of the predecisional phase from the…
Regulatory Focus Theory

Regulatory Focus Theory

Regulatory focus theory is a persuasion theory which focuses on a person’s perceptions on decision making. It’s basically revolves around the enthusiasm of a person…
Happiness at Work

Happiness at Work

People who are happy at work tend to enjoy life more and have better health, stronger relationships and a greater sense of purpose. They also…
Positive Psychology in the Workplace

Positive Psychology in the Workplace

Positive psychology in workplace can be used in many different ways to increase happiness and satisfaction within the workforce. As we spend on average half…
Positive Education

Positive Education

This article actually focus on Positive education to draw on positive psychology’s emphasis of individual strengths to promote learning. It is an approach to education…
Motivation Crowding Theory

Motivation Crowding Theory

Motivation Crowding Theory suggests that external intervention via monetary incentives punishments may undermine, and under different identifiable conditions strengthen, intrinsic motivation. As of today, the…
Locus of Control in Personality Psychology

Locus of Control in Personality Psychology

Locus of Control in Personality Psychology refers to the extent to which people feel that they have control over the events that influence their lives.…
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