Self Actualization

Self Actualization

Self Actualization is a term in psychology, which is the achievement of one’s full potential through creativity, independence, spontaneity, and a grasp of the real…
Propositional Attitude

Propositional Attitude

This article talks about Propositional Attitude, which is a relation between a person and a proposition, such as belief, desire, intention, etc. It is a…
Emotion and Memory

Emotion and Memory

This article describe about Emotion and Memory, where emotions are believed to play a role in determining whether it recall a stored memory at the…
Attitude in Terms of Psychology

Attitude in Terms of Psychology

Attitude in Terms of Psychology is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude…
Rationalization in Psychology

Rationalization in Psychology

Rationalization in Psychology is a defense mechanism, which involves the justification of an unacceptable behavior, thought or feeling in a logical manner, avoiding the true…


This article describely focus on Exaggeration. The exaggerator has been a familiar figure in Western culture since at least Aristotle’s discussion of the alazon: ‘the…
Splitting in Psychology

Splitting in Psychology

Splitting in Psychology is a term, that describes difficulty with the ability to hold opposing thoughts, feelings, or beliefs about oneself or others. It is…
Motivated Reasoning

Motivated Reasoning

Motivated Reasoning refers to the unconscious tendency of individuals to fit their processing of information to conclusions that suit some end or goal. describes the…


Mindset is a set of ideas and attitudes, that shape the way someone thinks about themselves and the world. It is often difficult to counteract…
Magical Thinking

Magical Thinking

This article talks about Magical Thinking, which refers to non-scientific beliefs and explanations that we make about the world around us. It may also be…


Irrationality is an intensely emotional state; unable to control or contain one’s feelings; highly excited. It’s behaviors of individuals include taking offense or becoming angry…


Groupthink is a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis in 1972, which tendency of the members of a group to yield to the desire…
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