Dementia Test Results are Connected to Changes in Brain Structure Dementia is characterized by a progressive and often remorseless decline in cognition, function, behavior, and care requirements. In dementia, assessment is based on both collateral…
New Investigations Identify Gene Targets in Brain Stress Hormones A stressful situation, whether environmental, such as a looming work deadline, or psychological, such as persistent worry about losing a job, can set off a…
New Discovery for Preventing Depression from Ketamine If a person responds to ketamine, it can quickly reduce suicidality (life-threatening thoughts and actions) and relieve other serious depression symptoms. Ketamine can also be…
An Excellent Listener Improve the Health of Your Brain Researchers discovered that having someone listen to you when you need to talk is related to greater cognitive resilience. According to a new study, social…
Research shows Relationship between Childhood Poverty with Brain Development Children from low-income families are more likely to have cognitive and behavioral issues than their more affluent peers. A great deal of previous research has…
Sharing Ideas Promotes the Involvement of Online Learners According to new research co-written by a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign expert who studies the intersection of marketing and digital environments, sharing ideas in an…
Attention in Children with Autism Enhances Decision-making Mindfulness is the deliberate practice of focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment. Mindfulness is now being studied scientifically, and…
According to New Research, the Human Brain May Think More Creatively When it is in a Good Mood Watching humorous videos on the internet at work isn’t always a waste of time. They may be utilizing the most recent psychological research to put…
Mindfulness is Potential to Make You Egotistical The practice of mindfulness is big business. Mindfulness app downloads generate billions of dollars in revenue in the United States each year, and their popularity…
Relationship Status may be Affected by Gender Norms and Job Loss According to research, in cultures where men are valued as breadwinners, their unemployment can have an impact on the long-term success of a romantic relationship.…
Different Kinds of Cooperative Strategies among Humans Develop Cooperation is critical in evolution. A group of scientists has now developed a new model that demonstrates how various types of cooperative strategies among humans…
Scientists Improved Treatment of Brain Dysfunction for Psychosis Sufferers Scientists at the University of Otago have paved the way for better treatment of brain dysfunction, which causes psychosis. According to Dr. Ryan Ward of…