About Radio Frequency

About Radio Frequency

About Radio Frequency Definition Radio Frequency (RF) is a frequency or band of frequencies that lie in the range 10 kilohertz to 300 000 megahertz…
About Radio Astronomy

About Radio Astronomy

About Radio Astronomy Definition Radio astronomy is the study of celestial objects by measurement of the radio waves they emit. It has enabled the detection…


Sunspot Definition Sunspots are easily recognized as speckles on the surface of the sun. Sunspots appear dark because they are cooler, by up to 1,500°K,…
About Photosphere

About Photosphere

About Photosphere Definition Photosphere is the lowest visible layer of a star, lying beneath the chromosphere and the corona. The term itself is derived from…


Chromosphere Definition Chromosphere is a glowing, transparent layer of gas surrounding the photosphere of a star. The Sun’s chromosphere is several thousand kilometers thick, is…


Ionization Definition Ionization is when an atom becomes an ion, by either gaining or losing electron. Unstable do atoms of an element become when ionized.…


Mesosphere Definition Mesosphere is the region of the Earth’s atmosphere lying above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere, from a height of about 50 km…


Thermosphere Definition Thermosphere is the region of the Earth’s upper atmosphere lying above the mesosphere and extending from a height of approximately 80 km (50…
About Ionosphere

About Ionosphere

About Ionosphere Definition Ionosphere is the part of the earth’s atmosphere beginning at an altitude of about 30 miles (50 kilometers) and extending outward that…
About Magnetosphere

About Magnetosphere

About Magnetosphere Definition Magnetosphere is the region surrounding a planet, such as the earth, in which the behaviour of charged particles is controlled by the…
Red dwarf

Red dwarf

Red dwarf Definition Red dwarf is a small, dim star with relatively cool surface temperatures, positioned to the lower right on the main sequence in…
Radio Wave

Radio Wave

Radio Wave Definition Radio Wave is a very low frequency electromagnetic wave (from roughly 30 kilohertz to 100 gigahertz). Radio-wave communications signals travel through the…
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