Bringing Optics and Electronics Together

Bringing Optics and Electronics Together

Optics and electronics, a physics major option, focuses on optical communications, one of the fastest-growing high-tech fields. Message transmission via light and optical fiber has…
An ‘Axion Bomb’ Thrown into a Black Hole Challenges a Fundamental Physics Law

An ‘Axion Bomb’ Thrown into a Black Hole Challenges a Fundamental Physics Law

Singularities, such as those found at the heart of black holes, when density becomes infinite, are sometimes described as areas where physics ‘breaks down.’ However,…
Ultra-Precise Atomic Clock Measures General Relativity Effects on a Millimeter Scale

Ultra-Precise Atomic Clock Measures General Relativity Effects on a Millimeter Scale

We normally talk about enormous scales and big objects when we talk about general relativity. This, however, is about to change. The latest varieties of…
Ultra-Cool Radio Waves Could Enable Dark Matter Detection and Quantum Computing

Ultra-Cool Radio Waves Could Enable Dark Matter Detection and Quantum Computing

The noise in radio detection has been removed by cooling radio waves very close to their quantum ground state, allowing even the tiniest signals to…
Electrons in a Foursome Make a New State Of Matter

Electrons in a Foursome Make a New State Of Matter

The first-ever observation of four electrons interacting has been confirmed by physicists. This quadruplet is a previously anticipated state of matter that could shed light…
An Experimental Platform for Non-Hermitian Physics Study has been Proposed by a Research Group

An Experimental Platform for Non-Hermitian Physics Study has been Proposed by a Research Group

When optical gain or loss is accurately regulated with nanophotonics, a novel physical occurrence known as the non-Hermitian phenomena may be detected, possibly paving the…
Metamaterial – Artificial Electromagnetic Media

Metamaterial – Artificial Electromagnetic Media

A metamaterial is any material that has been engineered to have a property that does not exist in naturally occurring materials. These are composite materials…
Magnetorheological Fluid – a Type of Smart Fluid

Magnetorheological Fluid – a Type of Smart Fluid

A magnetorheological fluid (MR fluid, or MRF) is a smart fluid in a carrier fluid, typically oil. These are smart materials because they have the…
Researchers have Reported the Development of Super-Solidity Along Two Axes of an Ultra-Cold Quantum Gas

Researchers have Reported the Development of Super-Solidity Along Two Axes of an Ultra-Cold Quantum Gas

Super-solidity refers to the ability of quantum matter to be both solid and fluid at the same time. Quantum gases are ideal for delving into…
Magnetic Nanoparticles

Magnetic Nanoparticles

Magnetic nanoparticles are a type of nanoparticle that can be controlled by magnetic fields. Such particles typically have two components: a magnetic material, which is…
High-temperature Superconductors

High-temperature Superconductors

Superconductors are materials with zero resistivity. They are well-known to the general public due to their practical applications and have been mentioned several times throughout…
Unusual Electron Behavior Hints to Surprise Result for Solid State Physicists

Unusual Electron Behavior Hints to Surprise Result for Solid State Physicists

Researchers at the University of Tokyo noticed an unusual signal related to the way electrons are grouped while examining the behavior of electrons in iron-based…
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