Physicists Keep a Bubble from Popping For Record-Breaking 465 Days

Physicists Keep a Bubble from Popping For Record-Breaking 465 Days

It is normal to anticipate a bubble to pop soon when you blow it. They are, after all, delicate constructions that combine a variety of…
In Geospace, the Arase Satellite Discovers a Connection between Plasma Waves and Charged Particles

In Geospace, the Arase Satellite Discovers a Connection between Plasma Waves and Charged Particles

Researchers from Japan show in a new study published in Physical Review Letters that high-frequency plasma waves in the Geospace can generate low-frequency plasma waves…
At the Extreme Quantum Limit, Correlated Electrons ‘Tango’ in a Perovskite Oxide

At the Extreme Quantum Limit, Correlated Electrons ‘Tango’ in a Perovskite Oxide

A team lead by Oak Ridge National Laboratory of the Department of Energy has discovered a unique quantum substance in which electrons move in coordinated…
Matter and Anti-Matter Particles Show the Same Response to Gravity

Matter and Anti-Matter Particles Show the Same Response to Gravity

Matter and anti-matter particles respond equally to the same force in a gravitational field, at least to the extent that a CERN experiment can distinguish…
Mysterious Structures near Earth’s Core Could Be Legacy of Moon-Forming Impact

Mysterious Structures near Earth’s Core Could Be Legacy of Moon-Forming Impact

Where the Earth’s outer core joins the mantle, thin structures have been discovered that drastically impede the transmission of seismic waves. These features, known as…
Next-Generation Interferometers may Rely on Optical Cavities

Next-Generation Interferometers may Rely on Optical Cavities

A new approach has been devised that could help new instruments investigate fundamental physics problems like gravitational waves and dark matter. The concept is presented…
Surface Electromagnetic Waves’ Topological Origin Discovered by Physicists

Surface Electromagnetic Waves’ Topological Origin Discovered by Physicists

One of the most important advances in physics was Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, which was developed 150 years ago. It brought together electricity and magnetism, gave…
A Dark Energy Experiment in the Lab Narrows the Search for the Mysterious Force

A Dark Energy Experiment in the Lab Narrows the Search for the Mysterious Force

A test of a popular dark energy theory found no evidence of new forces, putting substantial limits on related hypotheses. Dark energy is the moniker…
Tests at the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory Light’s Speed

Tests at the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory Light’s Speed

New measurements indicate that the laws of physics apply no matter where you are or how quickly you’re traveling, up to the highest energies yet…
Quantum Technologies Guide from Integrated Photonics

Quantum Technologies Guide from Integrated Photonics

Quantum technologies are a new class of devices that can regulate the superposition and entanglement of quantum states of light or matter in order to…
Synchronization (History, Uses)

Synchronization (History, Uses)

For consistent results, synchronization is designed to be cooperative, requiring that every thread follow the synchronization method before accessing protected resources. It is the synchronization…
Physicists Uncover Synchronization’s Secret, From Flashing Fireflies to Cheering Crowds

Physicists Uncover Synchronization’s Secret, From Flashing Fireflies to Cheering Crowds

Trinity College Dublin physicists have figured out how big groupings of individual “oscillators,” such as flashing fireflies, cheering crowds, ticking clocks, and clicking metronomes, tend…
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