Using Quantum Mechanics, Three Scientists are awarded Physics Nobel Prize Three scientists jointly won this year’s Nobel Prize in physics on 04, October, for proving that tiny particles could retain a connection with each other…
One-Third Lightspeed Bubble Of Hot Gas Seen Zooming Around Our Supermassive Black Hole The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*, has been found to be surrounded by a bubble of heated plasma.…
Amazing ISS Photo Captures the “Space Angel” What Do You Notice? Amazing images of space taken from space are common. Almost everywhere you see from the International Space Station (ISS) is interesting, weird, or beautiful. But…
Physicists Demonstrate a Method for Creating Topological Metals Physicists have demonstrated a design principle for predicting whether metallic compounds are likely to host topological states that arise from strong electron interactions. The method…
The Official Anthem of Space Force Has Everyone Laughing The Internet has made fun of the Space Force, the smallest component of the US armed forces, pretty much since its establishment. Space Force is…
New Magnetic Quasiparticles are created by researchers In physics, quasiparticles and collective excitations are two closely related emergent phenomena that occur when a microscopically complicated system, such as a solid, behaves as…
Circuits that are Ultracold Cooling materials to extremely low temperatures is important for basic physics research as well as for technological applications. By improving a special refrigerator and a…
At the Large Hadron Collider, Physicists discovered Rare W Boson Trios The Higgs boson is the fundamental particle associated with the Higgs field, which is responsible for the mass of other fundamental particles such as electrons…
Sunlight Powers the Environmentally Friendly Quantum Sensor A new take on highly sensitive magnetic field sensors ditches the power-hungry lasers that previous devices have relied on to make their measurements and replaces…
Longer Space Missions Could be Facilitated by Oxygen From Magnets Maintaining the oxygen supply may be the most difficult of all the duties necessary for future journeys to Mars or beyond. After all, if other…
Scientists Suggest Sending Astronauts Into Space With Magic Mushrooms Even though there is still much to learn about the effects of using psychedelic substances on Earth, two scientists have already advocated for their usage…
Resolving Defect Causes with Eco-Friendly Solar Cells Increases Power Generation Efficiency Professor Kim Se-yoon of the Department of New Material Engineering at Kyungnam University and the DGIST (President Park Jae-gyu) Thin Film Solar Cell Research Center (Chairman Gang…