Behold the Neon Glow of the Fluorescent Web-Footed Gecko

Behold the Neon Glow of the Fluorescent Web-Footed Gecko

Researchers made an interesting discovery that turned an ultraviolet (UV) torch into a web-legged Pachydactylus rangei range. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports…
How Some Snakes Don’t Kill Themselves with Their Own Venom

How Some Snakes Don’t Kill Themselves with Their Own Venom

Being a highly toxic animal means developing an antidote to your own venom or spending your entire life in fear of being bitten on the…
Frozen Waterfall Known As “Tsar Icicle” Collapses On Tourists in Russia, Killing One

Frozen Waterfall Known As “Tsar Icicle” Collapses On Tourists in Russia, Killing One

A waterfall in Russia collapses every year after freezing hundreds of tourists, injuring three people and killing one. According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency…
Hypophosphoric Acid

Hypophosphoric Acid

Hypophosphoric acid is a mineral acid with the formula H4P2O6, also known as hypophosphite, with phosphorus in a formal oxidation state of +4. It is…
Chili Pepper Compound Is Spicing Up Solar Cell Performance

Chili Pepper Compound Is Spicing Up Solar Cell Performance

We don’t recommend licking solar cells, but soon if you can get a familiar tingle, researchers have improved the functionality and durability of solar cells…
28,000 Rubber Ducks Accidentally Embarked On an Epic Ocean Current Study In 1992

28,000 Rubber Ducks Accidentally Embarked On an Epic Ocean Current Study In 1992

On January 10, 1992, a storm in the Pacific Ocean triggered one of the largest and most unusual studies of ocean currents worldwide.  A freighter…
World’s Rarest Turtle Could Be Saved from Extinction after Female Found in Vietnam

World’s Rarest Turtle Could Be Saved from Extinction after Female Found in Vietnam

We are ringing in the New Year with some good news: the latest known Swinhoe’s softshell turtle – the most endangered tortoise on the planet – is…
When Picking Dinner, Cuttlefish Can Make Some Complex Decisions

When Picking Dinner, Cuttlefish Can Make Some Complex Decisions

Cephalopods can only look like a squiggly blob of rubber strange class, but there is ample evidence that this strange creature has incredible cognitive abilities.…
Up To $100,000 Fine for Person Who Etched “Trump” Onto a Manatee’s Back

Up To $100,000 Fine for Person Who Etched “Trump” Onto a Manatee’s Back

A different strain of politically charged crime has been found far away from Washington since the U.S. launched its violent attack on the capital last…
Watch Tiny Ball-Loving Sand Bubbler Crabs Create Igloos Out Of Sand

Watch Tiny Ball-Loving Sand Bubbler Crabs Create Igloos Out Of Sand

People are big on the ball. From football to meatballs we can’t get enough and as it turns out, sand bubbles can crab. Across the…
In 1918, Children of California Went On a State-Ordered Squirrel Killing Frenzy

In 1918, Children of California Went On a State-Ordered Squirrel Killing Frenzy

In April 1918, during World War II, California children planned to slaughter 100,000 squirrels regularly. They were considered a pest by the state because of…
First COVID-19 Cases in Great Apes Seen In San Diego Gorillas

First COVID-19 Cases in Great Apes Seen In San Diego Gorillas

The moment that has been feared since the epidemic began is now happening, as gorillas on the west side of the San Diego Safari Park…
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