Adults with Hypertension who take Folic Acid Supplements had a Lower Risk of Stroke

Adults with Hypertension who take Folic Acid Supplements had a Lower Risk of Stroke

According to research published in JAMA, the combination of the hypertension medicine enalapril and folic acid, compared to enalapril alone, significantly reduced the risk of…
Reduce Retinitis Pigmentosa Vision Loss by Understanding the Causes and Developing Pharmacological Treatments

Reduce Retinitis Pigmentosa Vision Loss by Understanding the Causes and Developing Pharmacological Treatments

The absence of Adiponectin receptor 1 protein (AdipoR1), one of the main enzymes regulating ceramide homeostasis in the retina, leads to an accumulation of ceramides…
According to a New Study, Ibrutinib is an Effective Treatment for difficult-to-treat Hairy Cell Leukemia

According to a New Study, Ibrutinib is an Effective Treatment for difficult-to-treat Hairy Cell Leukemia

According to a new study conducted by experts at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove…
COVID-19 may Harm Fat Cells, Causing Hyperglycemia, and Worsening Disease

COVID-19 may Harm Fat Cells, Causing Hyperglycemia, and Worsening Disease

According to a new study from Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian, COVID-19 may increase the risk of severe disease and mortality in many people…
Bacteria Increases the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer, according to New Research

Bacteria Increases the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer, according to New Research

Bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract appear to have the ability to harm pancreatic cells, raising the risk of malignant tumors. Bacteria are single-celled organisms with…
The Widely Used Race-Based Formula for Defining Lung Disease is being Called into Question in a New Study

The Widely Used Race-Based Formula for Defining Lung Disease is being Called into Question in a New Study

According to new findings from a long-term epidemiologic study, one of medicine’s oldest racially-based diagnostic formulas is no better than a race-neutral equation, implying that…
Supplementing with Folic Acid may Help the Elderly Cope with Heat Waves

Supplementing with Folic Acid may Help the Elderly Cope with Heat Waves

According to Penn State researchers, supplemental folic acid can promote blood valve dilatation in older persons, suggesting that folic acid supplements could be a low-cost…
Deep Neural Networks are Being Used to Integrate Medical Imaging with Cancer Biology

Deep Neural Networks are Being Used to Integrate Medical Imaging with Cancer Biology

Despite our incredible advancements in science and healthcare, we have yet to find a treatment for cancer. On the plus side, we’ve made significant progress…
Adaptive Therapy

Adaptive Therapy

Adaptive therapy is an evolution-based therapeutic method that uses minimal effective drug doses or periodic drug holidays to preserve tumor volume. Recent research has found…
First Recovery of Ancient Human DNA from Evolutionary Hotspot in Indonesia

First Recovery of Ancient Human DNA from Evolutionary Hotspot in Indonesia

Human DNA dating back over 7,000 years has been discovered on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, marking the first time this has been done in…
Researchers Create an Artificial Intelligence Program that can Help with Sleep Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment

Researchers Create an Artificial Intelligence Program that can Help with Sleep Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment

Thousands of Danes suffer from a variety of sleep problems, including insomnia, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy. Furthermore, it is believed that up to 200,000 Danes…
The Microscopy Method Produces Finer Images of Deeper Tissue in a Shorter Amount of Time

The Microscopy Method Produces Finer Images of Deeper Tissue in a Shorter Amount of Time

Researchers frequently employ two-photon microscopy to generate high-resolution, 3D images of tissues like the brain, which requires directing a high-intensity laser onto the material to…
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