Report on Congenital Anomalies at Birth in BSMMU Hospital INTRODUCTION A congenital anomaly is an abnormality of structure, function or body metabolism that is present at birth (even if not diagnosed until later in…
Report on Hemorrhagic Dengue Fever INTRODUCTION Dengue fever is caused by Dengue virus (a flavivirus). It has four serotypes producing similar clinical manifestation. These are Dengue fever, Dengue Hemorrhagic fever,…
Report on Medical Plant Materials 1. INTRODUCTION Plants play an important role1 in our life. Plants2 have been providing the human beings with the basic necessities of life; that is…
Case Study on selection in Hospitals Executive Summary This term paper conduct on the basis of hospital service, other than the doctors service, location, parking, medical equipment and as well as…
Report on United Hospital of Bangladesh Introduction: United Hospital Ltd was borne out of a vision to provide a complete and one-stop healthcare solution to the people of Bangladesh. Opening its…
Report on Management of Ambloyopia INTRODUCTION: Amblyopia is the commonest vision defect in children, resulting in abnormal sight in one or both eyes. The conditions are sometimes called ‘lazy eye’.…
Report on Aetiology of Acute Confusional State INTRODUCTION Confusional states and coma are among the most common problems in general medicine. They account for a substantial proportion of admissions to emergency wards…
Report on Nutritional Status of Children of aged 6 to 24 months Introduction Nutritional status is the result of complex interactions between food consumption, overall health status and care practices. At the individual level inadequate or inappropriate…
Report on United Hospital Ltd United Hospital Ltd was borne out of a vision to provide a complete and one-stop healthcare solution to the people of Bangladesh. Opening its doors…
Assignment on Epidemiology- Dengue Fever Assignment on- Epidemiology ‘Dengue Fever’ Abstract Dengue is the most important arthropod-borne viral disease of public health significance. Compared with nine reporting countries in the…
Report on Sports injury among the football players CHAPTER: 1 1.1 Introduction: Sports can sometimes cause injuries. Sports injuries can happen as results of- Not warming up properly before exercising more vigorously. …
Report on Congenital Anomaly Abstract: Objective :To find out proportion ,types of congenital anomalies at birth , immediate outcome of anomalous baby and associated maternal risk factors . Design…