Nyerereite: Properties and Occurrences

Nyerereite: Properties and Occurrences

Nyerereite is a mineral with the formula Na2Ca(CO3)2 that is extremely rare. It is a chemical composition in which the alkali element is clearly present,…
Nuragheite – Properties and Occurrences

Nuragheite – Properties and Occurrences

Nuragheite is a rare natural thorium molybdate discovered in Su Seinargiu, Sarroch, Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy, with the formula Th(MoO4)2•H2O. The name is derived from the…
Troilite (Occurrence, Structure)

Troilite (Occurrence, Structure)

Troilite is a pyrrhotite mineral, which means it’s a rare iron sulfide mineral. Although it may be found on Earth, meteorites have a higher concentration…
Stony Iron Meteorite

Stony Iron Meteorite

Siderolites, or stony-iron meteorites, are meteorites that contain significant concentrations of both rocky materials (silicates) and nickel-iron metal. Meteorites are classified into three primary groups:…
Iron Meteorite (Occurrence, Composition)

Iron Meteorite (Occurrence, Composition)

As they descend, melting, through our planet’s atmosphere, iron meteorites are thick, heavy, and frequently fashioned into odd or even stunning patterns. Siderites, also known…
Stony Meteorite

Stony Meteorite

Meteorites are the final step of this sort of space rock’s life. The rocks were meteors before they became meteorites. They were meteoroids before they…
Nsutite: Properties and Occurrences

Nsutite: Properties and Occurrences

Nsutite is a manganese oxide mineral with formula: (Mn4+1-xMn2+xO2-2x(OH)2x where x = 0.06-0.07). It is a major manganese oxide that occurs in mineable quantities in…
Meteorite (Shooting Star)

Meteorite (Shooting Star)

A meteorite, sometimes known as a ‘shooting star’ or a ‘falling star,’ is a solid piece of debris from an object in deep space that…
Carbonado Diamonds (Definition, Properties)

Carbonado Diamonds (Definition, Properties)

Carbonado, also called as “black diamond,” looks like charcoal and is named after the Portuguese word for “burned.” It is one of the most difficult…
Nosean: Properties and Occurrences

Nosean: Properties and Occurrences

Nosean, also known as noselite, is a mineral of the feldspathoid group with the formula: Na8Al6Si6O24(SO4). H2O. It is a mineral of the sodalite group,…
Northupite: Properties and Occurrences

Northupite: Properties and Occurrences

Northupite is an uncommon evaporite mineral, with the chemical formula Na3Mg(CO3)2Cl. It is an isometric-diploidal mineral containing carbon, chlorine, magnesium, oxygen, and sodium. It is…
Normandite: Properties and Occurrences

Normandite: Properties and Occurrences

Normandite is a brittle orange-brown sorosilicate mineral discovered in 1997 by Charles Normand (born 1963), of Montreal. It is a member of the cuspidine group…
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