Vanadate Mineral

Vanadate Mineral

Vanadate mineral Vanadate is a hard, silvery-grey, malleable transition metal. It is a mineral composed of vanadium, lead, oxygen, and chlorine. Vanadate mineral, any of…
Mosesite: properties and occurrences

Mosesite: properties and occurrences

Mosesite is a very rare mineral found in few locations. It is a mineral consisting of a hydrous nitride of mercury with other anions and…
Moschellandsbergite: Properties and Occurrences

Moschellandsbergite: Properties and Occurrences

Moschellandsbergite is a rare isometric mineral made up of a silver-white amalgam of mercury and silver with the chemical makeup Ag2Hg3. It is a mineral…
Mordenite: Properties and Occurrences

Mordenite: Properties and Occurrences

Mordenite: Properties and Occurrences Mordenite is hydrated sodium, potassium, and calcium aluminosilicate mineral in the zeolite family. It is a zeolite mineral with the chemical…
Limestone (Classification, Uses)

Limestone (Classification, Uses)

Limestone is a sedimentary rock; it occurs primarily on the seafloor where calcium carbonate-rich (‘calcareous’ material) material accumulates. This calcareous material can be originally organic,…
Moolooite: Properties and Occurrences

Moolooite: Properties and Occurrences

Moolooite is a rare blue-green mineral, a hydrated copper oxalate with an orthorhombic crystalline structure. It is a mineral with the formula Cu++(C2O4)·n(H2O) (n<1) (copper…
Limestone (Description, Formation)

Limestone (Description, Formation)

Limestone is a sedimentary rock type of carbonate; it is predominantly composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), typically in the form of calcite or aragonite. It…
Mooihoekite: properties and Occurrences

Mooihoekite: properties and Occurrences

Mooihoekite is a copper iron sulfide mineral with the chemical formula of Cu9Fe9S16. It is a tetragonal-scalenohedral mineral containing copper, iron, and sulfur. The mineral…
Montmorillonite: Properties and Occurrences

Montmorillonite: Properties and Occurrences

Montmorillonite is a very soft phyllosilicate group of minerals that form when they precipitate from water solution as microscopic crystals, known as clay. It is…
Monticellite: Properties and Occurrences

Monticellite: Properties and Occurrences

Monticellite and kirschsteinite (commonly also spelled kirschteinite) are gray silicate minerals of the olivine group with compositions CaMgSiO4 and CaFeSiO4, respectively. It is a grayish…
Monohydrocalcite: Properties and Occurrences

Monohydrocalcite: Properties and Occurrences

Monohydrocalcite is a mineral that is a hydrous form of calcium carbonate, CaCO3·H2O. It is a hydrated trigonal form of calcite, which is white to…
Monazite: Properties and Occurrences

Monazite: Properties and Occurrences

Monazite is a reddish-brown phosphate mineral that contains rare-earth elements. It is a rare phosphate mineral with a chemical composition of (Ce, La, Nd,  Th)(PO4,…
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