High Tumor Tissue Penetration efficiency Magnetosome-like Structure There is a critical need to image these processes noninvasively in order to identify molecular activities that define the early stages of disease progression. The…
There are Gaps in the Monitoring of Plastic Waste Plastic was invented in the early 1900s to replace natural materials such as ivory and tortoiseshell, but its production has since skyrocketed. Plastic production has…
Drought Stress in Forests is Revealed by Mirror Image Molecules Every year, plants emit approximately 100 million tonnes of monoterpenes into the atmosphere. Many fragrances are made up of volatile organic molecules, such as the…
Global Research Identifies Endangered Forests Standing forests also help to mitigate the effects of climate change. They absorb greenhouse gases, regulate water flows, and shield coastal communities from extreme weather…
Flooding has a Serious impact on Food Security Climate change-induced temperature rises can influence variables that contribute to flooding. Flooding risks can be exacerbated by atmospheric rivers, storm surges, and sudden snowmelt. According…
Impact of Food on the Environment One of the leading causes of population declines among wildlife species is habitat loss, which in many cases leads to extinction. Local species that survive…
Global Climate Change will have an impact on Mountains With ominous orange-gray smoke clouds looming on the western horizon, it’s easy to see how Colorado’s highest city and other mountain communities are directly threatened…
Dhaka River Ecosystems are being Threatened by Microplastics The millions of tons of plastic floating around the world’s oceans have recently gotten a lot of attention in the media. However, plastic pollution may…
European Warming is Occurring Twice as Fast as Global Warming According to a new World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report, the European continent is bearing the brunt of climate change, warming twice as fast as the…
Monitoring the Effects of Season and Tide on Wastewater Pollutants in the River Ganges A recent study of the River Ganges in West Bengal, India, shows how wastewater entering the river has an impact on the water quality and…
The Economic Impact of Climate Change Economic analysis is used by policymakers and politicians to make decisions about the risks posed by climate change to society. Economic models are critical to…
The Developer of Massachusetts Wind Power Project Claims that Without Contract Modifications, the Project is “No Longer Viable” The developer of a significant offshore wind energy project in Massachusetts has urged state authorities to put off reviewing the contract for a month, claiming…