The Second Moon Olympics Nearly Ended In Disaster

The Second Moon Olympics Nearly Ended In Disaster

In the last minutes of their voyage to the Moon fifty years ago, two astronauts utilized the “Lunar Olympics” to make the normal Olympics look…
55 Cancri – a Binary Star System

55 Cancri – a Binary Star System

55 Cancri is a binary star system 41 light-years from the Sun in the Cancer zodiac constellation. It has the same mass as our Sun…
55 Cancri e – an Exoplanet

55 Cancri e – an Exoplanet

55 Cancri e is an exoplanet orbiting the Sun-like host star 55 Cancri A. It’s also known as Janssen, and it’s only 41 light-years distant…
First Truly Isolated Black Hole Discovered In the Milky Way

First Truly Isolated Black Hole Discovered In the Milky Way

In our galaxy, there should be 100 million black holes, the most majority of which have masses equivalent to the Sun. However, because no light…
NASA Reveals Plan to Crash ISS into the Pacific Ocean

NASA Reveals Plan to Crash ISS into the Pacific Ocean

After its mission was extended to 2030, the International Space Station (ISS) will continue to operate for the rest of this decade. NASA has stated…
Gliese 436 – a Red Dwarf

Gliese 436 – a Red Dwarf

Gliese 436 is a red dwarf located approximately 31.8 light-years (9.7 parsecs) distant in the zodiac constellation of Leo. It is a somewhat dim main…
Cosmic Cartographers Reveal the Diversity of Star-Forming Galaxies by Mapping the Nearby Universe

Cosmic Cartographers Reveal the Diversity of Star-Forming Galaxies by Mapping the Nearby Universe

The first census of molecular clouds in the surrounding Universe has been conducted by a team of astronomers utilizing the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA),…
Clues to the Formation of Our Solar System from a Nearby Star-Forming Region

Clues to the Formation of Our Solar System from a Nearby Star-Forming Region

Astronomers are learning more about the conditions under which our solar system was formed thanks to an active star formation zone in the constellation Ophiuchus.…
Gliese 436 b – a Neptune-sized Exoplanet

Gliese 436 b – a Neptune-sized Exoplanet

Gliese 436 b is an exoplanet the size of Neptune that orbits the red dwarf Gliese 436. In just over two days, the planet completes…
The Origins of Solar-Mass Black Holes and Their Relationship to Dark Matter

The Origins of Solar-Mass Black Holes and Their Relationship to Dark Matter

The mass of a typical stellar-class black hole is between 3 and 10 solar masses. Most galaxies, including our own Milky Way Galaxy, have supermassive…
Mars Helicopters Could Accidentally Create Glowing Plasma As They Fly

Mars Helicopters Could Accidentally Create Glowing Plasma As They Fly

The whirling blades of helicopters on Mars could be enough to cause St Elmo’s fire, a plasma discharge that occurs frequently around ships and planes…
Gliese 317 b – a Gas Giant Exoplanet

Gliese 317 b – a Gas Giant Exoplanet

Gliese 317 b is an M-type star-orbiting gas giant exoplanet. It is an extrasolar planet located in the constellation Pyxis about 50 light-years away. It…
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