Observing the Fusion of Water Droplets on the International Space Station

Observing the Fusion of Water Droplets on the International Space Station

For situations in daily life, such as raindrops falling off automobiles, planes, and roofs, as well as for applications in energy production, aerospace engineering, and…
Lab Spacetime that is Curved

Lab Spacetime that is Curved

Gravity, as defined by Isaac Newton’s universal gravitation, is no longer a force that acts on massive bodies, according to Albert Einstein’s general theory of…
James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Rare Red Spiral Galaxy Population from Early Universe

James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Rare Red Spiral Galaxy Population from Early Universe

Spiral galaxies are among the most beautiful objects in the cosmos. Among these, spiral galaxies in the far reaches of the universe hold important clues…
Previously Hidden Newborn Stars are Revealed by Webb Space Telescope

Previously Hidden Newborn Stars are Revealed by Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s successor to the Hubble Space Telescope is the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). After a series of delays, the ambitious space observatory launched on…
Light from Space is Brighter than Expected

Light from Space is Brighter than Expected

New measurements show that the light emitted by stars outside our galaxy is two to three times brighter than the light emitted by known populations…
Aliens discovered a Planet falling toward its Demise around a Dying Star

Aliens discovered a Planet falling toward its Demise around a Dying Star

The condemned planet may be able to shed light on concerns over what may happen to other planets as their solar systems develop. Astronomers have…
Hubble Notices a Ghostly Glow around Our Solar System

Hubble Notices a Ghostly Glow around Our Solar System

The Hubble Space Telescope is a large space telescope. On April 24, 1990, the space shuttle Discovery launched it into orbit. Hubble orbits the Earth…
Ancient Asteroid Grains reveal how Our Solar System has Changed Over Time

Ancient Asteroid Grains reveal how Our Solar System has Changed Over Time

A meteorite is simply a rock that falls from space to Earth. Meteorites are rocks, but not the same as Earth rocks. Most are much…
38 Virginis – an F-type Main Sequence Star

38 Virginis – an F-type Main Sequence Star

38 Virginis is an F-type main sequence star in the constellation Virgo. It is approximately 108 light years from Earth. The visual magnitude for 38…
To Survey the Water on Earth, NASA Conducts a New Mission

To Survey the Water on Earth, NASA Conducts a New Mission

On Friday, NASA launched the most recent Earth science satellite to monitor almost all of the water on the planet’s surface. At 3:46 a.m. Pacific…
Africa Saw the Crash of a 15-ton Meteorite At This Time, it Contains 2 new Minerals

Africa Saw the Crash of a 15-ton Meteorite At This Time, it Contains 2 new Minerals

A meteorite weighing 15.2 metric tonnes included two minerals that had never before been observed on Earth, according to scientists (33,510 pounds). According to a…
Aeolus Wind Data is Confirmed by Loon Stratospheric Balloons

Aeolus Wind Data is Confirmed by Loon Stratospheric Balloons

ESA’s novel Aeolus satellite reliably measures wind speed also in higher air layers, and thus in a region of the atmosphere where other direct global…
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