Dwarf Galaxy Disturbances in the Neighborhood Suggest a Different Gravity Theory

Dwarf Galaxy Disturbances in the Neighborhood Suggest a Different Gravity Theory

The currently accepted theory of gravity is Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, which has been extensively tested and supported by a wide range of observations…
Amazing New Discovery Shows More Earth-Like Characteristics on Mars

Amazing New Discovery Shows More Earth-Like Characteristics on Mars

Opal gemstones were found on the red planet by the Mars Curiosity Rover, according to study published in December. The opals were discovered by Curiosity’s…
‘Water Worlds,’ According to a Surprising Finding, are More Common than we Thought

‘Water Worlds,’ According to a Surprising Finding, are More Common than we Thought

All life on Earth depends on water, and the cycle of rain, rivers, oceans, and rain again is crucial to maintaining a stable and habitable…
Dozens of Newly Found Gravitational Lenses Could Show the Nature of Dark Matter and Ancient Galaxies

Dozens of Newly Found Gravitational Lenses Could Show the Nature of Dark Matter and Ancient Galaxies

Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon where the gravity of a massive object, such as a galaxy, bends and amplifies the light of a background object,…
Researchers Find Eight new, Extremely Hot Stars

Researchers Find Eight new, Extremely Hot Stars

Eight of the universe’s hottest stars have been found by an international team of astronomers; all of them have surfaces that are hotter than 100,000…
Breaking Records are Ultracool Dwarf Binary Stars

Breaking Records are Ultracool Dwarf Binary Stars

Astrophysicists from Northwestern University and the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) have found the most compact ultracool dwarf binary system ever seen.…
Astronomers Claim that the Mysteriously Bright Flash was a Black Hole Jet that was Pointing Directly Toward Earth

Astronomers Claim that the Mysteriously Bright Flash was a Black Hole Jet that was Pointing Directly Toward Earth

A bright flash that was recently observed in the sky by astronomers is believed to be a jet of material being emitted from a black…
Uncovering Gamma-Ray Bursts’ Hidden Energy Reveals Insights into the Universe’s Evolution

Uncovering Gamma-Ray Bursts’ Hidden Energy Reveals Insights into the Universe’s Evolution

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are extremely bright and energetic explosions that occur in distant galaxies. They are thought to be caused by the collapse of massive…
High-Altitude Winds from Saturn Produce Exceptional Aurorae, Research Shows

High-Altitude Winds from Saturn Produce Exceptional Aurorae, Research Shows

Researchers from Leicester University have identified a hitherto unseen mechanism that powers massive planetary aurorae at Saturn. Saturn stands out among the planets that have…
NASA Telescope to Aid in Clarifying Galaxy Growth and Dark Matter Composition

NASA Telescope to Aid in Clarifying Galaxy Growth and Dark Matter Composition

A new telescope or observatory that has been developed or proposed by NASA, specifically for the purpose of studying the growth and structure of galaxies,…
Although it may be Enjoyable, Floating in Space is Difficult on Earthly Bodies, According to a Study

Although it may be Enjoyable, Floating in Space is Difficult on Earthly Bodies, According to a Study

Long-duration spaceflight can have negative effects on the human body. Prolonged exposure to microgravity can lead to a loss of bone density, muscle atrophy, and…
Gamma Rays and Meteorites may have Provided the Earth with the Necessary Ingredients for Life

Gamma Rays and Meteorites may have Provided the Earth with the Necessary Ingredients for Life

Scientists dispute about how life first developed on Earth, despite the James Webb Space Telescope’s comprehensive photos of faraway galaxies revealing more of the larger…
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