Massive, High-velocity Prominence Eruption from a Superflare A superflare is an extremely powerful eruption on the surface of a star that emits far more energy than a typical solar flare. These events…
‘Chaos Terrains’ on Jupiter’s Moon Europa Could Be Transporting Oxygen to the Ocean According to a team of researchers led by The University of Texas at Austin, salt water within Jupiter’s moon Europa’s icy crust could be delivering…
Interstellar Dust is Fueled by Twinkling Stars Interstellar dust is composed of small particles of various materials, including carbon, silicon, and metals, that are dispersed throughout the space between stars. These particles…
Are Ancient Rockets and Satellites that are Falling from Space a Threat to Airplanes? As the Earth’s orbit continues to fill with spent rockets and outdated satellites, scientists warn that falling debris might endanger flights. “There is a real…
Image of a Black Hole Ejecting a Powerful Jet The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration published the first-ever direct image of a black hole in the center of the galaxy M87 in 2019. While…
Experiments are being Conducted to Determine the Freezing Point of Extraterrestrial Oceans in Order to Aid in the Search for Life University of Washington and University of California, Berkeley researchers conducted studies to determine the physical boundaries for the possibility of liquid water in freezing extraterrestrial…
Researchers Examine the Size-luminance Relationship of Galaxies Less than a Billion Years After the Big Bang According to a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, an international team of researchers led by the Kavli Institute for the Physics and…
Using an Odd Quantum Trick, Light Microscopes Can See Smaller Than Ever Before The smart application of a frequent occurrence in quantum physics has greatly improved the resolution of light microscopes. It is feasible to stare at fragile…
According to NASA, Four of Uranus’ Large Moons May Have Water According to recent NASA research, several of Uranus’ moons may contain deep seas underneath their ice-capped tops. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration…
North America Nebula – an emission nebula The North America Nebula is a large emission nebula located in the constellation Cygnus, about 1,600 light years away from Earth. It is named after…
Researchers Uncover the Unknown Source of ‘Heartbeat-Like’ Radio Bursts in a Solar Fare According to a new study, a solar radio burst with a signal pattern similar to a heartbeat has been detected in the Sun’s atmosphere. An…
Apollo to Artemis launches on Meta Quest in “Space Explorers” The immersive VR documentary “Space Explorers – Apollo to Artemis” was published by Felix & Paul Studios for this year’s Space Day. The sequel to…