BC Cygni – a Red Supergiant Star in the Constellation Cygnus

BC Cygni – a Red Supergiant Star in the Constellation Cygnus

BC Cygni is a red supergiant and pulsating variable star in the constellation Cygnus with the spectral type M3.5Ia. It is a Supergiant Star with…
Westerlund 1-26 – a Very Luminous Supergiant Star Type

Westerlund 1-26 – a Very Luminous Supergiant Star Type

Westerlund 1-26 is a five-star player. It is a Supergiant Star with a high luminosity. It is a red supergiant in the super star cluster…
RSGC1-F02 – a Red Supergiant Star

RSGC1-F02 – a Red Supergiant Star

RSGC1-F02 is a red supergiant in the Scutum constellation that is part of the RSGC1 open cluster. Its radius was calculated to be between 1,499…
Collisions between Black Holes and Neutron Stars Might Help Settle the Debate Over the Universe’s Expansion

Collisions between Black Holes and Neutron Stars Might Help Settle the Debate Over the Universe’s Expansion

According to a recent simulation study performed by experts at UCL (University College London), studying the catastrophic collisions of black holes and neutron stars may…
Bringing the Moon’s Oldest Geologic Imprints to Light

Bringing the Moon’s Oldest Geologic Imprints to Light

Curtin University research has discovered that the Moon may have been subjected to far more asteroids and other bodies than previously thought, adding to our…
RSGC1-F01 – a Red Supergiant Star in the Scutum Constellation

RSGC1-F01 – a Red Supergiant Star in the Scutum Constellation

RSGC1-F01 is a red supergiant star in the constellation Scutum. It’s in the Scutum constellation, in the RSGC1 open cluster. It has a radius that…
The World’s Largest Virtual Universe is Open to anyone to Explore

The World’s Largest Virtual Universe is Open to anyone to Explore

Uchuu is the most expansive and detailed virtual universe ever created, and it is open to the public. Exploring the Universe by sailing between galaxies…
The Origin of Elusive Ultradiffuse Galaxies has been explained by Astronomers

The Origin of Elusive Ultradiffuse Galaxies has been explained by Astronomers

An international team of astronomers claims to have detected a few ‘quenched’ UDGs in low-density environments in the universe using sophisticated simulations. A quenched galaxy…
Inspiration4 Took Sedatives and Zip Ties to Space in Case of Psychological Breakdown

Inspiration4 Took Sedatives and Zip Ties to Space in Case of Psychological Breakdown

Every contingency must be considered in space travel, including the possibility of an astronaut having a mental collapse. On Wednesday, SpaceX launched the historic Inspiration4…
Inspiration4 Makes History and Breaks Records as it Successfully Reaches Orbit

Inspiration4 Makes History and Breaks Records as it Successfully Reaches Orbit

Inspiration4, the first non-professional all-civilian space mission, launched Friday night from the Kennedy Space Center and is already successfully in orbit, further from Earth than…
Alpha Boötis – a Brightest Star in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere

Alpha Boötis – a Brightest Star in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere

The brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere is Alpha Boötis of the constellation Boötes. With an apparent magnitude of 0.04 it is the fourth…
Blue Origin among New NASA Contracts for Lunar Landing Technology

Blue Origin among New NASA Contracts for Lunar Landing Technology

NASA is returning to the Moon and expects to stay there. For a variety of reasons, the exact timeframe is still unknown, but the goal…
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