5,300-Year-Old Skull Reveals Earliest Evidence of Ear Surgery The earliest known record of human ear surgery appears to be in an ancient skull with burr holes in the temporal bones. The remains, which…
Woman Finds Perfectly Preserved McDonald’s Burger in Wardrobe 5 Years after Buying It Five years later, a lady who placed a cheeseburger in her wardrobe as an experiment and then forgot about it has discovered it. It looked…
The Necessity of Sex Education in School Sex education is taught in schools to help boys and girls understand the relevance of sex-related issues and health. It is also thought that society…
Embracing Aluminum Containers, Uni wants to Completely Remove Plastic Packaging from Your Home For the past 30 years, we’ve been told to reduce, reuse, and recycle. The majority of personal care brands barely make it into the third…
Secret Agents – an Open Speech Espionage, espionage, or intelligence collecting is the act of gaining secret or confidential information (intelligence) from non-disclosed sources and divulging it without the permission of…
The Einstein Effect You’re more likely to Believe BS If You Think a Scientist Said It Do you consider your bullshit sensor to be fairly reliable? You might want to reconsider because new research suggests that we’re all prone to the…
Sample Farewell Letter to Friend [A farewell letter to a friend must be written with feeling. Letters of this nature cannot be too brief or too formal. This is due…
Which Insurtech Startups are set to Thrive? Last week, echCrunch looked into the changing health of the insurtech business, delving into recent category victories and losses as well as what the sector…
Depletion in Ozone Layer Increased UV radiation levels at the Earth’s surface are caused by ozone layer depletion, which is harmful to human health. Increases in certain types of…
What Types of Deception have you Faced in your Life – an Open Speech One would assume that dishonesty would be the last thing to happen in a learning institution. Unfortunately, in the ten years that I have been…
Eight Years into His Tenure, Satya Nadella Looks to Diversify It’s easy to forget that Microsoft was once a stumbling block, especially with its current market capitalization of $2 trillion. The corporation almost completely missed…
Formal Membership Letter Format [A Membership Letter is typically prepared when a person wishes to join a certain place, club, society, or institution. A resident who has recently moved…