
Sample Clearance Letter format from Doctor

Sample Clearance Letter format from Doctor

Sample Clearance Letter format from Doctor

[It is a Sample Clearance Letter format from Doctor. Your doctor will be required to fill the form, stating if you are medically fit or not. An employee clearance letter indicates that the employee has been cleared of all dues and can leave the organization. Generally, a medical clearance form is very important. Your doctor should provide it whenever needed. It discloses information about various fitness activities that will be taking place. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]


To the Concern Authority…

Sub: Clearance Letter from Doctor

To Whom It May Concern,

As required by the recruitment agency (Company name) all necessary medical tests of (Employee name), D/O (Parents name and date of birth) has performed. The final medical report of (Employee name) is enclosed with this letter. For any further information, you may contact our laboratory numbers (*****) and talk to Doctor (name). (Describe in your own words).

Purpose of using this form is to ensure that selected employees are physically and mentally fit to execute functions without risk to their own or others health and safety. All staff members may be needed to undergo a medical examination to make sure that they stay medically fit to execute functions assigned to them, under certain conditions.

Sincerely yours,

Your name (Doctor)

Hospital name…