The way to success in life is beset with dangers and uncertainties and only those persons who can overcome them by undertaking risks can enjoy the glory of success. The proverb, no pain no gain means no effort, no success. Parents make their children pursue education since childhood, aiming to lead a better life. With peerless parental love, they want their children to be educated people. They often tell us to work hard at our lessons. They beat or scold us if we do not study well because their life experience proves that “No risk, no gain.” We cannot succeed in life without taking pains. To pass an examination, students must attend classes regularly and learn their lessons daily. The people who do not dare to take risk and give up their attempts at the first sight of dangers and difficulties can never attain success. Therefore if we want to obtain success, we must take a risk and encounter the dangers and difficulties with courage, perseverance, and patience. Similarly, continuous training is necessary for soldiers to defend themselves and to defeat the enemies in the battlefield. Not an athlete will win over games without serious training. Likewise, a healthy person possesses his sound health by doing physical exercise, taking nutritious food, drinking clean water, and living a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes we may fail or have to undergo suffering at first, but we should not lose heart and give up our pursuit in despair. Our initial failures and sufferings are nothing but the prices that we have to pay for ultimate success. Nobody can get anything without any cost. The astronauts would not have been able to reach the moon if they had not taken risks or ventured in the dangers of the infinite spaces. But while taking risk we must consider the pros and cons of the undertaking and keep in view how to overcome the difficulties and obstacles that may lie on the way because hasty and perfunctory action may lead to ruin, and so the venture should be thoroughly analyzed before we launch into it.
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