
Request Letter for Appointment

Request Letter for Appointment

Request Letter for Appointment

[The request letter will act as a medium for you to meet the person concerned. Here briefly describe on sample Request Letter for Appointment. Writing a request letter requires a lot of attention because it is through this letter only, you get an opportunity to meet the concerned person with whom you would like to discuss some crucial issues. Through this letter, you can quickly put forth your points as to why you would like to seek the appointment of the person. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Receiver name…

Home/Office address…

Date: DD/MM/YY (date on which letter is written)


Sender/Your Name…

Job Designation…

Company name…

Sub: Request for Appointment Time

Dear (Sir/Name),

This is to bring to your kind attention that I am pursuing (Subject area) from (Institute name). (Describe in your words). I have heard a lot about your achievements in this field and would like to request an appointment with you. (Explain actual cause). I would like to discuss with you on topics such as (Topics) which will prove beneficial in my studies too. (Explain your requirements).

I hope that you will consider my request and give me an appointment with your busy schedule. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation). I look forward to getting a favorable response from you.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Your Name…


Contact info. and Signature…


Another Format, [Email format]

TO: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

Dear Sir,

We have made some effort to check on the effectiveness of a few main office procedures concerning the improvement of the production and how efficient the process is. (Describe in your words). The information must be able to make changes to the techniques for the improvement of our office. (Explain actual cause). The data in the surveys are gathered in such a way that it is presentable for the convention on (date) at the (Venue name) wherein each department will be presenting. (Explain your requirements).

In connection to this, we are asking from your prestigious office permission to be able to hold an interview with you and some of your staff as part of the survey. (Describe all about the situation). We are hoping that you will permit us to go on with the survey and be a participant of the convention that hopefully will make a difference in our office procedures.

Please allow us to continue the survey and be a part of this revolutionary seminar that will change the face of office strategies. (Cordially describe your greetings and expectation).

Sincerely Yours.

Your Name…


Contact info. and Signature…