Introduction of the Study: The present world is the world of information technology. Mobile phone is the revolutionary invention of science. This mobile has enriched our communication network. It has been possible to communicate from one corner to another by its contribution. Mobile phone is one of the important wonders of modern science. The standard of living of men has been changed by the contribution of this technology. At the beginning Telegraph was only one medium of communication. Alecgunder invented telephone in 1876. As a result, it has been possible to send the human voice to the remote. Electric sign is flown through the wire of both the telegraph and telephone. At the beginning of last century wireless was invented by Marcony which occurred revolutionary change in the communication. Consequently the necessary of adding wire by receiving & transferring not needed. In case of telephone it is set up one place which is not transferable, so problem occurs. In this situation mobile phone takes the place of telephone to overcome the problem. “Mobile Phone Service” is another name of silent revolution in Bangladesh. Mobile phone service is keeping important role in removing the digital divide. Mobile phone is contributing active role in receiving and sending information in the villages. Bangladesh enters the mobile world through the City Cell Company in 1993. In that time the cost of a connected mobile phone required more than one lack Tk for a mobile holder. Mobile phone was like a dream among the normal or middle income group from 1993-1996. Later Grameenphone, Robi ( Former Name Aktel ), Banglalink (Former Sheba World) and Airtel ( Former Name Warid ) got license from government. There are some barriers working to regulate the mobile service rapidly in Bangladesh. Mainly high import duty. The mobile companies are to pay tax at the high rate in importing mobile set or machinery. For this reason the growth of this sector is being hampered. If import duty is reduced than the mobile phone companies will be able to sale the mobile phone at the cheap rate and provide better customer service than the previous level. In today’s Bangladesh, there is no perfect alternative of Grameenphone. It is now on the flow of developing its program so rapidly that it seems that this company is going to capture the master market of mobile phone in our country. Therefore, no doubt, its future prospect is bright. From the discussion it can be said that the rapid growth of the mobile sector is highly possible and for this government assistance or backing needed. Background of the Study: GrameenPhone, as the market leader of telecom Companies has to keep its customers loyal, which in tern related to the profitability. As customer loyalty related to its Business Solutions Segment, its effectiveness plays a vital role on the reputation of the company. Therefore, the company should aware about its customers, their level of satisfaction, comparative position & the micro-macro environmental factors. This study reveals the satisfaction level of the Subscribers, the comparative position of the business sales and identifies the strength, weakness, opportunity & threat of the easiest communication of business Solutions of GP. Objectives of the Study: Each & every study should have objectives. The objectives of my project have divided into two parts. Broad Objective:
- To know the easiest communication of business solutions of GrameenPhone Ltd.
Specific Objectives:
- To describe the present easiest communication of Business Sales of GP.
- To determine the level of satisfaction of the BS subscribers.
- To make a comparison of the easiest communication of business solutions among GP & other mobile operator of Bangladesh.
- To determine the importance of various customers services of Grameenphone Limited and customers’ satisfaction level with the existing services.
Methodology: A proper methodology is always necessary for a successful accomplishment of any studies. It helps to organize and analyze data and information through a systematic process to achieve the ultimate goal and objectives of the study. The methodology I use to prepare the project is as follows. Preparation of a Project Work: The first task of these sequential activities was to select a topic. And after discussing widely with my internship supervisor Md. Mokhter Ahmad & my supervisor in the organization, the final selected topic is, “The Easiest communication of business solutions (A Case Study on GrameenPhone Ltd.)” Data Sources: For preparing the project, I need both primary and secondary data. In case of getting the POS response about their level of satisfaction & to make a comparison of different segment, I have to go for survey. Moreover, for describing the present & before 2009 segment, analyzing SWOT of the current BS segment of GP Dhaka Metro. I had gone for collecting some secondary information. Primary Data: For collecting primary data, I had to go with the following procedure. (a) Questionnaire Preparation: As one of the parts of the study mainly based on the primary data source, so questionnaire preparation is an important part of this study. After studying some related papers, I have prepared some query, which is use in the questionnaire. Before conducting the survey I have approve the questionnaire from my supervisors for this OCP program which is structured questionnaire. (b) Collection of Data: For this study, I have collected primary data from the sample. Target Sources: My target source for this study is “GrameenPhone Dhaka Region”. Device of Collecting Process: I have mentioned previously that I have collected information with the help of questionnaire from the BS subscribers of GP. Population: On the basis of the Dhaka city my population size is the 350 subscribers of GP Dhaka Metro. Sample Size: On the basis of the total population I have taken convenient sample for my survey purpose which is 50 BS subscribers. The formula which is used to analysis the result is: X = ∑ xi n ∑ xi =Sum of the marks comes from the respondent. n = Total number of respondent. Secondary Data: For the essential information relating to this report on “The easiest communication of Business Solutions of Telecom Companies in Bangladesh (A Case Study on GrameenPhone ltd.)” I went for collecting the information from the electronically stored information. That is through the internet by using the worldwide connection of networks and the information, which are available in the organization. Therefore, secondary data is consisting of all published materials, which have already collected or preserver by someone else. Data Analysis: Collected primary data has tabulated and analyzed according to the demand of the report’s objectives with the help of different mathematical tools as well as using several computer software. In the questionnaire, I have used both open-ended & close-ended questions to measure the level of satisfaction of the BS subscribers of GP Dhaka Metro & to make comparison of the business solutions of different telecom companies. For getting the result, I calculated the percentage for the close-ended question’s answers. Therefore, the side of the scale shows the highest percentage that is the highest number of respondents that is the reaction of the respondents for the particular question. In addition, some of the information has incorporated through descriptive manner. For the close-ended questionnaire I have used five points ‘Likert Scale’ in the questionnaire; so the answer pattern of my questionnaire is as follows:
Highly Satisfied | Satisfied | Neutral | Dissatisfied | Highly Dissatisfied |
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
For getting the result, I have calculated the percentage for each question’s answers in these three categories. As there are also some open-end questions (For example; the way of problems solving) the total information is categorized and incorporated in the study. For the comparison of four (GrameenPhone, Banglalink, Robi & Citycell) telecom companies, I also went for surveying the BS subscribers of GP. These types of Point of Sales are well known about the business solutions segment. With all the interpreted data, finally I got my findings, which have fulfilled my project objectives. I have also provided some recommendations by consulting with the KAM (key account manager) & some other people who related with GP, for get rid of the problems that the BS segment face and for further development. Scope of the Study: The scope of my study is confined only the Business Solutions clients. That is different kinds of government or non-government institution, NGOs and like other organizations etc. The direct sales executive. As my OCP program is in Dhaka Regiona of “GrameenPhone”, my working area has confined in Dhaka metro. In addition, this project has to complete within the time of three months starts from 15th October, 2010 to 20th December, 2010. Literature Review: In the perspective of Bangladesh, there has been much limitation on the study of telecommunication sector. Various books, journals, bulletins, research materials and annual reports have been the available sources for obtaining necessary data and information. At the end of the above discussion, the literature concerning studies on “The Easiest Communication of Business solution (a case study on Grameenphone)” which the researcher reviewed is given below: In the book of “The Easiest communication of Business Solution” the pictures of Bangladesh, have been reflected. Importance of telecommunication has been identified by the author. He has discussed in details about the 05 strong points: (i) Network (ii) Internet facility (iii) Customer service (iv) Call rate (v) Weakness. These five points have been explained here very nicely and are co-related with one another. In the book “Business Solution of GrameenPhone” published by Latifuzzaman, there are 13 issues on ‘telecommunication’. In this book, the easiest source of telecommunication mainly have been discussed and analyzed. However, this book is also very helpful to know about importance of telecommunication in detail. Amit Mollik report, “Service program of GP” was based on their service and was particularly a program evaluation of their performance in Bangladesh. He analyzed the various activities of Grameenphone and concluded that it had strong to other companies’ activities. As a worker, he not only analyzed various aspects of the grameenphone but also suggested some measures such as call rate, F & F facility, sim connection price and so forth. Sk. Akram Uddin (2005) “Measure the customer satisfaction of cell phone” user on Dinajpur and Rangpur district. He has measured the satisfaction level on only five factors card duration, call rate, network coverage, t & t facility and bill payment system, of all the mobile operators of Bangladesh. I have found various factors from this book. All the factor of Grameenphone are high as compared the others telecommunication sector. He concludes that, on the basis of the customer satisfaction level Grameenphone occupy the first position in the telecommunication sector. In the book of “Attitude and policies of the mobile phone companies about customer satisfaction”. Md. Shariful Islam (2003), he has emphasized only the policies of mobile phone companies for customer satisfaction. He has performed the comparative analysis the service policies of various companies. I found from his book the four companies service performance. Here GP occupied the first position in case of network and customer care but others factors are not satisfied as compared to another company such as Banglalink, Citycel and Robi. Limitations of the Study: During the project preparation period there were some factors that limit the study. One of them is operational limitation and the others are time limitation and document limitation. Operational Limitation: The study was conducted on several branch of GP, that is, Grameenphone – Dhaka Region. This operational scope may not reflect the real scenario of the overall activities of the company. Time Limitation: The second limitation of this project is time limitation. This study was focused on a shorter span of time; the real picture of various services may not be drawn within this limited time frame. Document limitation: Country or branch based semi-annual or annual report or publications of Grammenphone were not available in this regard 1. I consider only the samples of BS subscribers of GP of Dhaka metro. 2. In some case of comparison, I have used the structured close-ended questionnaire. Therefore, the respondents may face less flexibility in providing information. 3. Most part of the report based on information from questionnaire, thus the credibility and exactitude provided depends upon the respondents. These limitations may become as obstacles for obtaining a generalized result.
About GrameenPhone:
The Organization in Brief: The company has so far invested more than BDT 15,260 crore to build the network infrastructure since its inception in 1997. Grameenphone is also one the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed more than BDT 16,600 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. Since its inception in March 1997, Grameenphone has built the largest cellular network in the country with over 12,000 base stations in more than 6000 locations. Presently, nearly 98 percent of the country’s population is within the coverage area of the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone was also the first operator to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-hour CallCenter, introduced value-added services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-based push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring back tone and many other products and services. The entire Grameenphone network is also EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to high-speed Internet and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. There are currently nearly 3 million EDGE/GPRS users in the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone nearly doubled its subscriber base during the initial years while the growth was much faster during the later years. It ended the inaugural year with 18,000 customers, 30,000 by the end of 1998, 60,000 in 1999, 193,000 in 2000, 471,000 in 2001, 775,000 in 2002, 1.16 million in 2003, 2.4 million in 2004, 5.5 million in 2005, 11.3 million in 2006, 16.5 million in 2007, 20 million in 2008 and end 2009 with 23.26 million customers. From the very beginning, Grameenphone placed emphasis on providing good after-sales services. In recent years, the focus has been to provide after-sales within a short distance from where the customers live. There are now more than 600 GP Service Desks across the country covering nearly all upazilas of 61 districts. In addition, there are 78 Grameenphone Centers in all the divisional cities and they remain open from 8am-7pm every day including all holidays. GP has generated direct and indirect employment for a large number of people over the years. The company presently has more than 4500 full and temporary employees. Another 150,000 people are directly dependent on Grameenphone for their livelihood, working for the Grameenphone dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others. In addition, the Village Phone Program, also started in 1997, provides a good income-earning opportunity to more than 210,000 mostly women Village Phone operators living in rural areas. The Village Phone Program is a unique initiative to provide universal access to telecommunications service in remote, rural areas. Administered by Grameen Telecom Corporation, it enables rural people who normally cannot afford to own a telephone to avail the service while providing the VP operators an opportunity to earn a living. The Village Phone initiative was given the “GSM in the Community” award at the global GSM Congress held in Cannes, France in February 2000. Grameenphone was also adjudged the Best Joint Venture Enterprise of the Year at the Bangladesh Business Awards in 2002. Grameenphone was presented with the GSM Association’s Global Mobile Award for ‘Best use of Mobile for Social and Economic Development’ at the 3GSM World Congress held in Singapore, in October 2006, for its Community Information Center (CIC) project, and for its HealthLine Service project at the 3GSM World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, in February 2007. Grameenphone considers its employees to be one of its most important assets. GP has an extensive employee benefit scheme in place including Gratuity, Provident Fund, Group Insurance, Family Health Insurance, Transportation Facility, Day Care Centre, Children’s Education Support, Higher Education Support for employees, in-house medical support and other initiatives. Name, Location and Organizational History: The full name of the company is GrameenPhone Limited. It is a private limited company. The Head office situated at Gulshan in Dhaka. The Ministry of post and Telecommunication of the Government of Bangladesh offered GrameenPhone a nationwide digital cellular license on November 28, 1996. GrameenPhone launched its services in Bangladesh on 26 March 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh. The service of the company has spread in all over Bangladesh and in foreign countries through 300 international roaming partner operators. Vision: The vision of GrameenPhone Ltd. is “We’re here to help. We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communication services in their daily lives. We want to make it easy for customers to get what they want, when they want of it.” Mission: The vision will be achieved by:
- Connecting Bangladesh with ease and care.
- Being user friendly.
- Providing value for money.
- Providing simple and time connection.
- Having a right and understandable process.
Its Values: According to GrameenPhone, it has four values. Those are
- Make It Easy– we are practical everything we produce should be easy to understand & use. Because we never forget, we are trying to make our customers lives easier.
- Keep Promises– Everything we set out to do should work. If it does not we are there to put things right. We are about delivery, not over promising- actions not words.
- Be Inspiring– We are creative. We bring energy & imagination to work. We want to be a partner in the development of our community. We are passionate of our business, customers & our country.
- Be Respectful– We acknowledge & respect the local culture. We are respectful & professional in regards to all our interactions, both internally & externally. We are open, helpful & friendly.
Management Team and Working Divisions of GP: Being a private limited company, the Board of Directors of GrameenPhone has a pivotal role to play in meeting all stakeholders’ interests. The Board of Directors and the Management Team of GrameenPhone are committed to maintaining effective Corporate Governance through a culture of accountability, transparency, well-understood policies and procedures. The Board of Directors and the Management Team also persevere to maintain compliance of all laws of Bangladesh and all internally documented regulations, policies and procedures. GrameenPhone places a high value on human resource development and the contributions made by its employees. They persevere to maintain a productive and harmonious working environment in the whole organization. Organogram of GrameenPhone: The divisions are: 1) Finance Division 2) Deputy Managing Director Division 3) Regulatory & Corporate Affairs Division 4) Human Resources Division 5) Chief Marketing Officer Division 6) Internal Audit Division 7) Technical Division 8) Information Technology Division 9) New Business Division The Directors and the AGM have to report directly to the Managing Director. The heads of the other four departments directly report to the Managing Director too. Finance Division: Finance Division is broken down into departments such as finance department, company affairs, payroll and taxation department, accounting and reporting department and revenue accounting department. Regulatory & Corporate Affairs Division: Corporate affaires of GP encourages developing leadership quality, maintaining congenial and healthy working environment, keeping harmony instead of discords and ensuring full decentralization in the organization. Different functions of this department are transportation management, arrangement of meetings, seminars, cultural programs etc. Human Resource Division: Human resource department plays a very important role in the functioning of the organization. The main tasks of this department are employee recruitment, selection, transfer, promotion, training, performance appraisal, work force planning etc. Chief Marketing Officer Division (CMO): CMO is the bridge between the customers and the company. People here are always serving the clients. This division can subdivide into three major parts-call center, billing department and trainee development department. Commercial division has the opportunity to have direct interface with the customers. This division subdivides into part-sales department and market communication department. Technical Division: The Technical Division can consider as the brain of the organization. This division has the highest number of employees. This division split into three parts-planning department, implementation department and operations department. Information Technology Division: Information technology department support for IT equipment of the employees and provides constant service to employees if any IT problem occurs. Therefore, this department is responsible for connecting all desktops and portables, keeping data security, managing electronic mails, handling and mail and Internet related issues and problems, connecting the GP officials among themselves and with the outside world through PABX System etc. The Board of Directors: According to the existing Articles of Association of the company, the shareholders nominate the board of directors each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The chairperson heads the directors. The meeting of the board of directors held quarterly. An operational committee stands between the MD and the board of directors Meeting of this committee held monthly. The Managing Director reports to the board of directors at each quarterly meeting and to the operational committed at each monthly meeting. Government Benefits from GrameenPhone Ltd: The services of GrameenPhone have been serving the country over the last eleven years since its inception. Along with the other cellular operations in the country, GrameenPhone has established the concept that the mobile phone is not just a status symbol in the hands of the well to do. It is rather a tool in the hands of the general people to achieve economic growth for the nation. GrameenPhone as a service provider also enriches the National Treasury in many different ways. It is the highest TAXpayer in the country. Future Targets of GrameenPhone Ltd: GrameenPhone Ltd. is a company with ever-increasing growth trend from the very inception phase. At present, in the 12th year of its operations GP has achieved a subscriber bases of more that 25 million. The company has a number of plans for the forthcoming future. Achievements: GrameenPhone is one of the largest private sector investments in the country with an accumulated investment of BDT 5200 crore up to December 2005. GrameenPhone is also one the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed nearly BDT 5000 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. Of this amount, BDT 1670 crore was paid in 2005 alone. Grameenphone nearly doubled its subscriber base during the initial years while the growth was much faster during the later years. It ended the inaugural year with 18,000 customers, 30,000 by the end of 1998, 60,000 in 1999, 193,000 in 2000, 471,000 in 2001, 775,000 in 2002, 1.16 million in 2003, 2.4 million in 2004, 5.5 million in 2005, 11.3 million in 2006, 16.5 million in 2007, 20 million in 2008, 23.26 million in 2009 and end 2010 with 25.00 million customers. Table: Customers of GP in year.
Year | Number of Customer(in million) |
2002 | .77 |
2003 | 1.16 |
2004 | 2.40 |
2005 | 5.50 |
2006 | 10.00 |
2007 | 15.00 |
2008 | 20.00 |
2009 | 23.00 |
2010 | 25.00 |
As a telecommunication service provider, GrameenPhone Ltd. plays a very important role in the economic development of Bangladesh. National Board of Revenue (NBR), Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, Bangladesh Telephone and telegraph Board (BTTB) and Bangladesh Railway (BR) are Government bodies that directly or indirectly benefited by GrameenPhone Ltd. By bringing electronic connectivity to rural Bangladesh, GrameenPhone is brining the digital revolution to the doorsteps of the poor and unconnected. Grameen bank borrowers are engaged in a business by providing village phone service to their fellow villagers. For them mobile phone is a weapon against poverty. The market share of GrameenPhone is also higher that the other telecom companies in Bangladesh. The following figure is base on the information of GP annual report 2008. The scenario of Robi market share & BL market share has changed, it will be clear when we see my report findings. Table- Market share of GP:
Shareholders of GrameenPhone Ltd: The shareholders of Grameenphone contribute their unique, in-depth experience in both telecommunications and development. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor (55.8%), the largest telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in 12 other countries, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (34.2% ), a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank. The other 10% shares belong to general retail and institutional investors. Table- Shareholder of GP:
Grameen Telecom | 55.8% |
Telenor | 34.2% |
Generat & Institutional Investor | 10% |
Graph:- Shareholders of GP
Source: Annual Report & internal
Telenor: Telenor owns 34.2% share of GrameenPhone Ltd. It is the state-owned Telecommunication Company in Norway, a country with one of the highest mobile phone densities in the world. It is almost the oldest and diversified telecom companies in the world operating since 1885. It has played an important role in development of cellular communications, particularly, but not exclusively, GSM technology. Telenor operates its business in 13 countries of the world. Grameen Telecom: Grameen Telecom is the second shareholder of GrameenPhone Ltd. owing 55.8% share. It is a not-for-profit organization and a sister concern of Grameen Bank, the internationally recognized financial institution dedicated to poverty alleviation through collateral-free small loans for the poor in the rural areas of Bangladesh. Grameen Bank has an extensive rural network and understanding of the economic needs of the rural population. Grameen telecom, with the help of Grameen Bank, administers the village phone services to the villagers and trains them regarding all service-related issues. Products and Services of GrameenPhone Ltd: Telephone sector is a service-oriented sector. GrameenPhone offered various types of new and innovative telephone services to both the urban and rural people of Bangladesh during the last eleven years. Besides these largest ones GrameenPhone also introduced a number of value added services like the news update service, international roaming facility, Voice Mail Service, Text Mail Service, fax and data transmission services, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP service) & more other services with international roaming facilities. Some more discussed below. Post-Paid Service: Xplore-1 & Xplore-2
The GSM Features:i) Caller ID. ii) Call Waiting. iii) Call Conference. iv) Call Divert. v) Call Barring. | The Value Added Services:(i) Voice Mail Service (VMS). (ii) Short Message Service (SMS). (iii) Fax and Data Service (iv) Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Service. |
Pre-Paid Service: Smile features: 1 No monthly bills 2 No security deposits 3 No incoming charge 4 No monthly access fees 5 No waiting for activation 6 Instant connection 7 Voice Mail Service, free of monthly rents 8 Cards. Village Phone Program: The Village Phone program is another innovative GP initiative launched in collaboration with Grameen Telecom, a sister concern of Grameen Bank, which provides micro-credit only to the rural poor. The introduction of village phone has made a “tremendous” social & economical impact in the rural areas, creating a “substantial consumer surplus” for the users. It directly increases the household income of village phone operator. One of the most important contributions of village phones was to make market information accessible to all. Additional Services: Besides the above-mentioned prime services, GrameenPhone has many additional services to help its customers in different ways. Some of them are: (i) News Up-Date Service: (ii) International Roaming Facility: (iii) Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System: (iv) The Contributions to Sports: (v) The Contributions to the Society
Business Solution
History of cell phone in Bangladesh: The present world is the world of information technology. Mobile phone is the revolutionary invention of science. This mobile has enriched our communication network. It has been possible to communicate from one corner to another by its contribution. Mobile phone is one of the important wonders of modern science. The standard of living of men has been changed by the contribution of this technology. At the beginning Telegraph was only one medium of communication. Alecgunder invented telephone in 1876. As a result, it has been possible to send the human voice to the remote. Electric sign is flown through the wire of both the telegraph and telephone. At the beginning of last century wireless was invented by Marcony, which occurred revolutionary change in the communication. Consequently the necessary of adding wire by receiving & transferring not needed. In case of telephone it is set up one place which is not transferable, so problem occurs. In this situation mobile phone takes the place of telephone to overcome the problem. “Mobile Phone Service” is another name of silent revolution in Bangladesh. Mobile phone service is keeping important role in removing the digital divide. Mobile phone is contributing active role in receiving and sending information in the villages. Bangladesh enters the mobile world through the City Cell Company in 1993. In that time the cost of a connected mobile phone required more than one lack Tk for a mobile holder. Mobile phone was like a dream among the normal or middle income group from 1993-1996. Later Grameenphone, Robi (Former Name Aktel), Banglalink (Former Sheba World) and Airtel (Former Name Warid) got license from government. There are some barriers working to regulate the mobile service rapidly in Bangladesh. Mainly high import duty. The mobile companies are to pay tax at the high rate in importing mobile set or machinery. For this reason the growth of this sector is being hampered. If import duty is reduced than the mobile phone companies will be able to sale the mobile phone at the cheap rate and provide better customer service than the previous level. In today’s Bangladesh, there is no perfect alternative of Grameenphone. It is now on the flow of developing its program so rapidly that it seems that this company is going to capture the master market of mobile phone in our country. Therefore, no doubt, its future prospect is bright. From the discussion it can be said that the rapid growth of the mobile sector is highly possible and for this government assistance or backing needed. Business Solutions of GP: Business Solutions is a complete, quality business communications service from Grameenphone – designed especially for the business community in Bangladesh. Our Business Solutions team is here to help provide you with customized telecommunications solutions through consultation with you. At office or on the move – stay connected through Business Solutions. Business Segments:
- Corporate
- SME Direst sales
- SME Indirect sales
- Corporate
Strategic: Strategically important people or organizations that hold socially influential positions are considered Strategic Clients. E.g.Government organs, Embassies, UN organizations, Ministers/MPs etc. Corporate: Companies/organizations with 200+ employees and/or investment of more than Tk. 300 million are considered to be corporate clients. They have an average purchasing power of approximately 200 subscriptions. Eg. MNC’s, public limited companies etc. SME Large SME’s: Companies/organizations with 100-200 employees and/or investment of more than Tk. 300 million are considered to be Large SME’s. They have an average purchasing power of approximately 100 subscriptions Medium: Companies/organizations with 50-99 employees and/or investment of between Tk.100 and 300 million. They have average purchasing power of approximately 10 subscriptions. Eg. Small manufacturers, Suppliers/service companies, Transport companies etc. Small: Companies/organizations with 10-50 employees and/or investment of less than Tk.100 million. They have an average purchasing power of approximately 5 subscriptions. Eg. Advertising agencies, Export/Import companies, Buying and selling stores, Construction building etc. Comparative analysis of GP and other phone company’s product. Business Solutions of GrameenPhone: On an average of the survey result, it has found that 37 out of 50 subscribers are saying the business solutions of GP are on the excellent point. 8 subscribers are saying it is on the very good position, 4 subscribers are saying its good and only 1 respondent are saying it’s not bad. In average, none opened that the business solution is on a bad position, although 3 & 2 people’s individual remark is bad for call rate and F&F facility consequently. Moreover, in an average the point of GP is 4.679, which is above the opinion standard. Therefore, it is to say that the business solution of GrameenPhone is very much effective. For graphical presentation, take a view in the appendix. Banglalink Enterprise: After collecting the primary data through the survey and making an average, it has found that the highest number of respondents is giving the points 3 for good position of the business solution of Banglalink. This is actually the middle point of the importance scale. If I make an average of the points, the respondent’s give for measuring the business solution of Banglalink the value found is 3.463. However, from the opinion of the expertise the average point of an effective business solution is 4.606. Therefore, the effectiveness is below the opinion standard. For the response of the individual statement, look at the appendix. Corporate Solutions of Robi: According to the survey, the corporate solution of Robi is not in a good position. Rather it is on the lowest position among the four. The highest number of respondents gives point 1 for this corporate solution. Among 50 subscribers only 27 subscribers give Robi corporate solution 16 for one factor on which the effectiveness of the corporate solution depends. If we see the following figure, we can understand the condition of the corporate solution of Robi. If we want to see the number of the respondent for the individual statements, it has given in the appendix. The mean point of Robi comes from the survey is 1.713. This id the second last position among the BS segment on which I have done my appraisal. Therefore, it is to say that the business solution of GrameenPhone is very much effective. For the graphical presentation, take a view in the appendix. Citycell One: After analyzing the result of the survey and making an average it is found that 20 out of 50 subscribers are saying the business solution of Citycell is on the bad point. 8 subscribers are saying it is on the not bad position, 18 subscribers are saying its good, 3 respondent are saying it’s good. In addition, 1 opened that the business solution segment is on an excellent position. In an average, the point of Citycell is 1.523.This is actually the lowest point among the four related segment I surveyed. This point is much lower of the opinion standard I have found through the survey if the expertise. Result of the Comparison of Business Solutions: From the opinion of the expertise, it has found that average standard point for an effective Business Solution is 4.606. Moreover, from the total analysis of the result of the survey findings it has found that GrameenPhone is on the highest position for the level of effectiveness of the business solutions. Banglalink got the second position, Citycell got the third position & Aktel got the lowest position. At the time of collecting information from the subscribers, I found that sometimes the respondents are willing to give negative remarks for some statement of the business solutions of Aktel. From my survey, it has finally found that GrameenPhone is on the peak business solution segment among the four. If we look at the following figure, we can get a clear idea. Table:-Result of Comparison.
Therefore, form the all above analysis and findings it has found that GrameenPhone acquiring the highest position for its effective business solution segment among the four BS segment discussed here. Therefore, it can be said that, the position that GrameenPhone is holding, is the result of its well-built business solution segment. Service of GP & Its special Packege Business solution: Business Solutions: Business Solutions is a high-quality and fully integrated product from grameenphone, especially designed for the business entities of Bangladesh. As the largest and most customer oriented and customized telecommunication solutions through a highly consultative approach. Whether you at office or on the move-you are connected with Business Solutions, We design solutions for your business communication like no one else can. We ensure value for your money: Control your cost without compromising your communication needs. From small enterprises to large corporations, we provide cost effective solutions for all. Benefit Plan: Get as 250 free minutes to speak with your F&F and CUG numbers based on your committed usage. F&F: Enjoy 3 F&F numbers for both postpaid and prepaid connections. Business Hour rate: Make your calls in lower rates from 9 am till 6 pm. Closed User Group (CUG) rate: Enjoy lower call rates with your co-workers. Thank you Discount: Enjoy attractive thank you discount at more than 300 outlets in Bangladesh. We ensure mobility of your Business: With our enhanced services, your business activities are not restricted to your office any more. Whether you are away on pleasure or on business, our feature-packed services allow you to continue with your business without interruption. Mobile E-mail: Access your office e-mail and office calendar by using your mobile phone anywhere. GP Internet: Access the Internet anywhere by connecting your phone or data card with your computer. With your EDGE-enabled handset you can enjoy the benefits of GP Internet. Missed Call Alert (MCA): Get SMS notification of missed calls when your phone was off. To subscribe to the service, type on and send to 6222. Business News: Call 3003 for all the latest business news headlines from in partnership with returns. International Roaming: Travel with your existing mobile connection to 115 countries. Get the privilege of availing the service at zero security deposit. We ensure the most advanced solutions for business: With our experience, we understand your needs and provide services beyond voice calls. Such advanced communication solutions are available only from Business Solutions for the benefit of your business. Wireless Internet Service: Connect all your computers and EDGE-enabled mobile devices anywhere in the country through wireless Internet Service. Enjoy all the benefits of securely sharing data from your company LAN and save cost like never before. Stock Information: Get updated information of your own stock portfolio and alert on stock price changes of DSE and CSE. Download “Bull” from Business City of GP WORLD ( SMS Reporting: Get updated with customized reports on sales, distribution, inventory etc. Voice mail: Remain always available. Any caller can leave messages in your voice mailbox when your phone is off. Call 121 activates the service. With personalized services, we always know your requirements. We are always within your reach to address your needs promptly. Direct Sales Manger: Consult our direct sales manager about the latest mobile communication facilities to optimize your company’s communication structure through long term relationship with Business Solutions. Prioritized Service: Enjoy exclusive one-to-one services at Grameenphone Centers and Grameenphone service Desks. Prioritized Hotline: Enjoy prioritized customer service simply by dialing 121.
Comparison of Business Solution
Comparison of Business Solution: I have conducted a survey to make a comparison of the Business Solutions among 4 mobile operators (GrameenPhone, Banglalink, Bobi (Former Name Aktel ) & Citycell. The survey was conducted on the Business Solution Subscribers of GrameenPhone, They have their current connection with all those mobile operators. So that, they can give remark on those factors, on which the effectiveness of a business solution depends. Here I have mentioned 11 organized statements on which the effectiveness of the business solution segment depends (Format of the questionnaire is in the appendix part). The factors has selected through a discussion with the BD (Business Delar) of GrameenPhone, business Sales, GrameenPhone with some other Key personnel of GrameenPhone. As there have no industry standard for the Business Solution package, I had to fix a standard for comparing the position of the operators. For this reason I have taken 5 as a standard, which is healthful for me to compare among the mobile phone operator. I surveyed 50 Business Solutions Subscribers on those 11 organized statement for comparing the satisfaction level or easiest communication of business solutions of GP with other mobile operators. In the questionnaire, the respondents allowed to give 1-5 point against the question for the specific telecom operator. The remarks for the point’s are- 5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Somewhat Good 2= Not very Good 1= Not at all Good Therefore, it is clear from the scale that the higher the point the higher the comparative position of the easiest communication of BS. The findings of the remarks given by the respondents has summarized and analyzed bellow: Sound Network: Sound network is one of the most important factors on which the effectiveness of a BS segment depends. On the statement the average point comes from the opening of the subscriber is for GrameenPhone 4.886, Banglalink 3.495, Robi 1.667 and Citycell 2.067. According to the subscriber’s opinion, it has found that GrameenPhone is on the highest position. The position of Banglalink is also good. However, the position of Robi and Citycell is below the average. Moreover, the position of Robi is bad, in the lowest position. Graph: – Sound Network The standard for that statement has found point 5, which is the highest point. It is very easy to understand that 100% achievement is very tough. However, here it has seen that GrameenPhone is near to be the position of 100% achievement, with the point of 4.886. Where as Robi get only 1.667. Call rate: . To be a business solution call rate is not well define better than other. After analyzing the findings, it has found that the average point for GrameenPhone is 3.705, for Banglalink 4.971, for Robi 1.448 and for Citycell the point is 1.657 out of 5. As Banglalink is on the highest position, it can be said that the call rate is well define more than the others. Moreover, it has found that the points of Robi & Citycell are below the average point. Graph: – Call Rate Here for this statement the opinion standard is point 5 on point 5 “Likert Scale”. So according to the opinion of the subscribers it is to say that the position of Banglalink is higher. Wide network Coverage: Wide network coverage of the Point of Sale should be continuous and effective so that the subscriber becomes satisfied. For this statement, it has found that the point of GP is lesser compare to other statements, but upper than the other operators. The point GP has get is 3.61. Banglalink is near to the position of GP with 3.424 point. Where as Robi has only 1.571 and Citycell 1.562. According to the subscriber opinion, it has found that GrameenPhone is the highest position. The position of Banglalink is also good. However, the position of Robi and Citycell is below the average. Moreover, the position of Robi is very poor, remaining on the lowest position. Graph: – Wide Network Coverage The standard for that statement has found point 5, which is the highest point. Compare to that point the operators are not in an excellent position. All the operators should improve their position. That is, should increase the effectiveness of the business solutions. F&F facilities: Friends and family facility is another most important factor on which the effectiveness of a BS segment depends. On the statement the average point comes from the opening of the subscribers is for GrameenPhone 3.676, Banglalink 4.867, Robi 1.562 and Citycell 1.8. According to the subscriber opinion, it has found that Banglalink is the highest position. The position of GrameenPhone is also good. However, the position of Robi and Citycell is below the average. Moreover, the position of Robi is very poor, in the lowest position. Graph: – F&F facilities
The opinion standard for that statement has found point 5, which is the highest point of the “Likert Scale”. Nevertheless, here we can see that Banglalink is near to that point, with the point of 4.867. Where as Robi remaining the lowest position, get only 1.562. Connection (SIM) Price: The connection of SIM card price is the reach significant portion of the BS segment that can be given attractive opportunities for a company. As quick as they company can give the service the BS subscribers of sale will be more satisfied. That is the service should be faster enough according to the need of the subscribers. After analyzing the findings of the survey, it has found that the average point for GrameenPhone is 4.924, for Banglalink 3.438, for Robi 1.667 and for Citycell the point is 1.895 out of 5. As GrameenPhone is on the highest position, it can easily say that the service of GrameenPhone is faster than, the others. In addition, it has found that the points of Robi & Citycell are below the average point. Here for this statement the opinion standard point is 4.667 on point 5 “Likert Scale”. However, we can see that the point of GP is higher than the standard. As the achieved score of GP is higher than the opinion standard, it can say that there have no chances of dissatisfaction from the side of the subscribers of GP for this factor the position of GrameenPhone is higher & satisfactory. We can get a clear view through the following figure. Speed of Problem Solving: To be a strong Business Solution segment is the speed of problem solving of the service should be faster than others. If there have any problem faced by the subscribers or there have any problem in the service after connectivity should solve the problem faster. After analyzing the findings, it has found that the average point for GrameenPhone is 4.676, for Banglalink 3.019, for Robi 1.733 and for Citycell the point is 2.01 out of 5. Here also GrameenPhone is on the highest position so it can say that the speed of problem solving of GrameenPhone is faster than, the others. Moreover, it has found that the points of Robi & Citycell are below the average point. Here for this statement the opinion standard is point 5 on point 5 “Likert Scale”. So according to the opinion of the BS subscriber it is very easy to understand that the position of GrameenPhone is almost near to the standard. However, it is satisfactory and the highest position among the 4 mobile operating company. To take a clear view we can see the graph. Easy & available account recharges system: Easy & available account recharges system one sort of attraction creating tool for the BS subscribers. When company will be provided available account recharge center then the company will get highest profit. On the statement the average point comes from the opening of the BS subscriber is for GrameenPhone 4.457, Banglalink 3.952, Robi 1.705 and Citycell 1.743. According to the subscriber opinion, it has found that GrameenPhone is the highest position and for GP 34 out of 50 subscribers give GP point 5. The position of Banglalink is also good, where 21 out of 50 subscribers give point 5. However, the position of Robi and Citycell is below the average; here consequently 32 & 31 subsribers give point 1. In addition, same as the other statement the position of Robi is the lowest. Graph: – Easy & available account recharges system
The opinion standard for that statement is point 3.667. However, here we can see that GrameenPhone and Banglalink is more than the average point. Where as Robi get only 1.705. Value Added Services (SMS, MMS, Internet, News update etc. Another prerequisite of the BS segment is the important factors that are the value added service. Value added service for the subscriber is a very vital factor for promotional activities of a BS segment effective. According to the survey, the average point for GrameenPhone is 4.752, for Banglalink 2.162, for Robi 1.229 and for Citycell the point is 1.429 out of 5. As GrameenPhone is on the highest position. For this statement, the opinion standard point is 4.667 on point 5 “Likert Scale”. However, the point of GP is higher than the standard. As the achieved score of GP is higher than the opinion standard, it can say that there have no chances of dissatisfaction from the side of the subscribers of GP for this factor the position of GrameenPhone is higher & satisfactory. Account validity: To be an effective BS segment, account validity is another promotional factor of BS segment. After analyzing the findings, it has found that the average point for GrameenPhone is 4.686, for Banglalink 3.79, for Robi 1.152 and for Citycell the point is 1.619 out of 5. Though GrameenPhone is on the highest position, its point is more than the opinion standard. This is because 42 people give point 5 to GP for this factor. Moreover, it has found that the points of Robi & Citycell are below the average point. Here for this statement the opinion standard is point 4 on point 5 “Likert Scale”. So according to the opinion of the BS subscriber it is to say that the position of GrameenPhone is higher. After Sales Service: After sales service is the most important side for every segment. Every subscriber would like to get proper service after purchasing the SIM card. According to the survey, the average point for GrameenPhone is 4.857, for Banglalink 4.162, for Robi 1.838 and for Citycell the point is 1.752 out of 5. As GrameenPhone is on the highest position it can be effortlessly said that GrameenPhone sales service activities for the subscribers more then the others. It is also higher than the standard. This is for the reason that 44 subscribers give highest point to the Sales service activities of GP. The standard for this statement is 4.667. Banglalink is on a good position. However, the position of Robi & citycell is not good. As the achieved score of GP is higher than the opinion standard, it can say that there have no chances of dissatisfaction from the side of the subscriber of GP for this factor the position of GrameenPhone is higher & satisfactory. Others: There are some other preconditions to be a successful BS segment. The factors are satisfactory commission structure, ability to convince customers, festivals get together and motivations. The network coverage is one of the most important factor for which the subscribers are doing telecom using. Form the analysis of the findings the result comes that the average point for GrameenPhone is 4.781, for Banglalink 3.171, for Robi 1.181 and for Citycell the point is 1.314 out of 5. Like the previous all GrameenPhone is on the highest position. For the statement, the opinion standard point is 4 on point 5 “Likert Scale”. However, the point of GP is higher than the standard. As the achieved score of GP is higher than the opinion standard, it can say that there have many loyal subscribers of GP. For these factors, the position of GrameenPhone is higher & satisfactory. Banglalink is on a good position but the position of Robi & Citycell is not good at all. These are all about the comparison of the four-Business Solutions segment, basing upon response on the individual factors on which the effectiveness of the BS segment depends. From the above discussion, we can compare the four-business solution segment of four telecom companies and get a clear view of the comparative position of the factors. To get more information or to know the level of success of the business solution segment separately here the discussions given below.
Conclusion& Recommendation
Conclusion & Recommendation:
Conclusion: In conclusion, it is easily say that the Business Solutions of GrameenPhone is outstanding. The survey that I conducted on the 50 subscribers of the distribution channel of GP is the representative of total population of my study, which is the total number of BS subscribers of GP In different area. From the survey on measuring the level of satisfaction of the GP BS segment, it has found that the level of satisfaction is very high. In addition, it has found at the time of collecting information that some subscribers are very much loyal to the organization. This is for the reason that the subscribers are getting adequate support and facilities from the company. Most of the respondents are not feeling any sort of problem for using business solutions with GP. Some, who are facing a little problem, is the creation of their own. In addition, GP authority is taking initiatives for this problem. The findings of the comparison of the Business Sloutions of GrameenPhone with other 3 BS segment (Banglalink, Robi & Citycell) is that GP BS segment if the most effective and easiest communication. The comparison was among the companies & the opinion standard. The opinion standard is the average outcome of the opinion of the ‘Head of Region of GrameenPhone (Dhaka region), ‘Regional Commercial Head’ Banglalink (Dhaka region) and Regional Sales Manager’ Warid telecom (Dhaka region). The finding is that GP is holding more points than the opinion standard. Rests of the companies are below the standard though the position of Banglalink is good. However, in comparison the effectiveness of the BS segment of Robi & Citycell is very poor, where Citycell is holding the lowest position. So finally it is to say that among the four BS segment on which a have conducted my study GrameenPhone Business Solution is the best. Recommendations: The business solution of a telecom company is a very significant part of the sales division of that company. According to the all above findings of the report, the following recommendation can be given for the betterment of the BS segment of GrameenPhone. Although the following list of suggested theme is by no means exhaustive, I can provide some tentative directions for consideration.
- As it has been found that the lesser point for this business solution comes for the statement “Call Rate”, GP has to keep concentration on the part.
- Grameenphone should more concentrate about the F&F facilities of their product otherwise the client of business solution switch another company.
- Grameenphone cane arreng a special program to the business subscriber which is encourage to the client of business subscriber.
Finally, the above recommendations will be prolific, if the company and obviously the customers would co-operate and being respectful to each other’s.
Book: 1. Gupta, S. P. & Gupta, M. P. (2003). “Business Statistics”, 12th edition, New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons, Educational Publishers. 2. Kotler, P. (2003-2004). “Marketing Management”, 12th edition, 3. Latifuzzaman, M, (2007), “Business Solution of GrameenPhone” 4. Lesiker, R. V. Pettit, J. D. & Flatley, M. E. (1998). “Basic Business Communications”, 8th edition, Irwin MaGraw-Hill. 5. Rahman, S, (2005), “The Easiest communication of Business Solution” 6. Uddin, S, A, (2005), “Measure the customer satisfaction of cell phone” 7. Zikmund, W. G. (2003). “Business Research Methods”, 7th edition, Thomson South-Western. Internet: 1. Access date: 25. 11. 2010, 2.00 PM 2. Access date: 26. 11. 210, 11 AM 3. Access date: 26. 12. 2010, 11 AM 4. Access date: 28. 12. 2010, 11.30 AM 5. Access date: 15. 0. 12, 2011.30 AM 6. 7. 8.
(For survey purpose only)
International Islamic University, Chittagong.
(Questionnaire for Developing a Standard of Business Solutions) I am the student of Business Administration Discipline, International Islamic University, Chittagong, conducting a project on “The easiest communication of Business Solutions of Telecom Companies in Dhaka region (A Case Study on GrameenPhone)”. This is a questionnaire for collecting information from you. Your answers will use exclusively for academic purpose and will be kept concealed.
Personal details of the respondent: Name of the respondent: Name of the Telecom companies GP Robi City cell Teletalk Division: Gender Male Female Mobile No—————————— Address—————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————- —————————————————————————————————————-
(Questionnaire for Survey on Business Solution subscribers Satisfaction)
Dear respondent, I am the students of Business Administration Discipline, International Islamic University, Chittagong conducting a project on the “The easiest communication of Business Solutions (A case Study on GrameenPhone)”. This is a questionnaire for collecting information from you. Your answers will be used solely for academic purpose and will be kept concealed. (For Survey Purpose Only) 1. Why do you use mobile phone? 2. Why do you use Business Solutions? 3. Have you satisfied with network coverage? 4. Recharge center is available in your convenient area? 5. Do you satisfy with after sales service? 6. What is your overall evaluation about the following services of your own operator? (Make circle 1 around the point which match with your evaluation. 1= Very dissatisfactory 2= Dissatisfactory 3= Neither Dissatisfactory nor satisfactory 4= Satisfactory 5= Very satisfactory
Statements | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
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