The utility of newspaper reading cannot be exaggerated at all. The newspaper brings the world to our door. It develops in us a feeling that we and our country are a part of the vast world outside. By reading a newspaper we get all kinds of information from home and abroad. We get about the latest political movements and changes in the government. We get ready-made current news and views of the world. Thus it helps us widen our area of knowledge. Those who are interested in sports can find the results of cricket, football, hockey and tennis matches. Those who are interested in films and theatres may turn to film reviews. From the pages of a paper, we may get the news about the present international situation and debate on the urgent questions of peace and war. We cannot but wonder at the wide range of news published in a paper. From space research to the share markets, railway time tables, prayer timings, advertisements, tender notice, and business information everything has a place in it. Newspaper reading can be highly educative if we only know what to look for in the paper. Thus an hour given to the reading of a newspaper is an hour thoroughly utilized.
Reading Newspaper