Bangladesh is more popular to be one of the most vulnerable countries in the earth. The country is already that great adverse impacts- hotter summers, unusual monsoon, untimely rainfall, heavy rainfall over short while causing water logging in addition to landslides, little rainfall in the dry season, increased river flow and inundation during monsoon, increased frequency, strength and recurrence of surges, crop damage due to be able to flash floods and moonsonal rain, crop failure due to be able to drought, prolonaged cold cause, salinity intrusion along the coast bringing about scarcity of potable drinking water and redundancy of applicable crop practices, coastal erosion, river bank erosion, deaths due to extreme heat and extreme cold etc. The report identifies Bangladesh among the worst victims of climate change. In Bangladesh, this impacts of higher temperature ranges, more variable precipitation, additional extreme weather events, and sea level rise will likely continue to intensify.
Primary Impacts of Climate Change Bangladesh Context