There was a big price hike of essentials in Bangladesh in the months of September and October. We all experienced it in the market while shopping. All the newspapers of the country published the news with great concern. The hike was widely talked about subject everywhere in Bangladesh. The prices of almost all the essential commodities rose beyond the reach of the poor and the middle-class people. The most expensive items were vegetables, specially brinjal and green chili. The price hike was caused by the prolonged untimely flood in the country. There are many reasons of price-hike. The main reason is the rapid growth of the population. At the same time, cultivable land is decreasing. As a result food crops are not being produced in proportion to the growth rate of population. So there is always a shortage of rice, fish, milk, vegetables, and all other necessary things. When these things are not supplied as per demand, their prices increase. The holy month of Ramadan also contributed a lot to it, because people, during this month try to buy and consume some of these items more than in other months. The flood damaged our crops and disrupted rail and road communication. This also worsened the problem. Some dishonest businessmen made the best use of the situation. They earned illegal and immoral profits at the cost of our suffering. The common people, who always bear the brunt of the price hike, reacted patiently. They knew that they were helpless. I felt for the poor people, but I had nothing to do. The government formed monitoring cells to control the price hike. The law-enforcing agencies were deployed to fight corruption. Import of essentials was encouraged by the government through tax-cuts. But nothing seemed to prove fruitful. The rich and the business class should come forward to ensure the proper distribution of the commodities. Now we should do research work to overcome price hikes in the future.
Price Hike of Essential Commodities