Perseverance landed safely on the surface of Mars last week and it was a spectacular feat. The rover did not rest on its laurels and did some amazing work as some photos, videos and audios of the Red Planet described as some amazing footage. To date, more than any other Mars rover has the most endurance cameras. Yesterday, February 22, to share some incredible footage from NASA Rover “Like Never Mars Like Never Seen Before!” “NASA’s perseverance rover sends new videos and images of the new platform.” Some of the first high-resolution images came back to Earth, and it shows perseverance as it descends to the surface as it enters the Martian atmosphere.

Included in some of NASA’s most recently released images a stunning 360-degree 0-degree image taken by a rover navigation camera (M2020) that captures the wonder-inspiring image of a new home in the Jezero Crater. This panorama, taken on February 20, sewn together from six separate images and shows a rocky, rusted area. One of the main purposes of persevering on the Red Planet for the next two years is to look for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will also explore the geology of the planet and provide insights into the climate in preparation for future human exploration missions. The rover is also ready to collect samples of the first rock and regolith that expected to return to Earth for further investigation in the future.
In the video below, you can see the full 360-degree view by navigating around the video to see all the glorious images of the Jezero Crater. The rover is currently going through a “check out” period, where all onboard systems being tested to make sure the rover is operational, and everything is ready before it begins its search and scientific investigation on the planet. One of the stimulus exploration features for perseverance is the helicopter drone, innovative.
In the coming weeks, Skills could become the first “drone” to fly to another planet, with five sets of aircraft planned during the 30-day mission. These flights are bound to be very short-lasting about 90 seconds due to the drone’s battery limitation In future mission’s drones can fly in Martian skies if test planes go, plan.