In Bangladesh there are six seasons, they are the summer, the rainy season, the autumn, the late autumn, the winter, and the spring. Winter comes after late autumn. It is the coldest season. Generally, it starts in November and lasts up to February. It is the season of mist and fog. The sun rises late and sets early. Even when the sun rises, it is a matter of good luck to see the face of the sun as it remains covered with dense fog. Mists begin to fall at night and disappear as the sun rises in the morning. The nights are longer than the days. The cold wind blows from the north. Most of the trees shed their leaves. Then they look like skeletons. Everything looks grey and hazy due to the dense fog. Everybody wears heavy clothes to ward off the cold. Various kinds of fresh vegetables are available during the winter. Everything is fresh and tasty in this season. It is also a season for traveling. People go to different tourist spots to have vacations and picnics. In this season, the village roads remain dry. So, people go to visit their relatives in winter. An air of festivity prevails during the whole season.
Paragraph On Winter Season