
Ordering Ascending Numbers

Ordering Ascending Numbers

Ordering Ascending Numbers

Numbers have an order or arrangement. The number two is between one and three. Three or more numbers can be placed in order. A number may come before the other numbers or it may come between them or after them.

Example: If we start with the numbers 4 and 8, the number 5 would come between them, the number 9 would come after them and the number 2 would come before both of them.

The order may be ascending (getting larger in value) or descending (becoming smaller in value).


Ordering numbers mean arrangement of numbers either from small to big or from big to small.

When the numbers are arranged from the smallest to the largest number, those numbers are said to be in an ascending order.

For example:

Arrange the numbers in ascending order from 5 to 11.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Numbers are said to be in ascending order when they are arranged from the smallest to the largest number. E.g. 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21 are arranged in ascending order.

Three or more numbers can be placed in order. A number may come before the other numbers or it may come between them or after them. Example: If we start with the numbers 4 and 8, the number 5 would come between them, the number 9 would come after them and the number 2 would come before both of them.

Real life example, Della, Victoria, Rachel and Monica are three friends, their heights are (159 cm), (172 cm), (169 cm) and (168 cm) respectively. Can you tell which one is the smallest and which is the tallest?

In order to decide who the tallest girl is, we will have to arrange their heights in a particular order. So, Della (159 cm), Monica (168cm), Rachel (169cm) and Victoria (172cm), with this we get that Della is the shortest. Now, we will find out who is the tallest, by arranging the heights in decreasing order – Victoria (172 cm), Rachel (169 cm), Monica (168 cm) and Della (159 cm) with this we can get that Victoria is the tallest girl.


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