
Modern Day Henry VIII Recreated With AI, And He Doesn’t Look Happy About It

Modern Day Henry VIII Recreated With AI, And He Doesn’t Look Happy About It

King Henry VIII of England does not appear to be at ease with the situation in this artificial intelligence (AI)-generated image of what he would look like in the present period.

Imagery produced by AI is becoming uncannily good. They are able to produce some really spectacular results, especially by the leaders in the field Imagen by Google Research and Open AI’s DALL-E 2, in addition to creating never-before-seen demons from hell named Crungus.

Whether you want to see a beautiful oil painting of a raccoon Queen wearing a red French regal gown or a fox lying in a field at daybreak in the style of Claude Monet, both techniques combine natural language processing AI with enormous image training sets to achieve incredibly remarkable results.

People have made some incredibly strange and fantastic things using simpler models, like Dall-e.

Unknown AI appears to have been used to create the image, however, Lord o the North on Reddit chose to set Henry VIII in the present.

He certainly doesn’t appear to be happy about it, but since he did murder a substantial portion of his wives, don’t feel too bad about it.

The response from redditor certified big dog, “He looks like you just spilt his pint,” was correct.