
Leave Application format for Semester Final Exam for Sickness

Leave Application format for Semester Final Exam for Sickness

Leave Application format for Semester Final Exam for Sickness

[It is a sample Leave Application format for Semester Final Exam for Sickness from University. You should show appropriate reason with formal manner. You can modify this format as your requirement.]


The Dean,

Institution name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Application for Sickness

Respected Sir,

With due reverence, it is stated that I need a leave for three days during final exams of the semester. I am a student in the fifth semester in the class of CSE (Subject name). My exams are due in three days for which I was prepared but cannot appear in. (show your actual problem and situation).

I have fallen seriously ill. Due to my health condition and domestic problems, it is not possible for me to take final exams this year. Complete bed rest has been prescribed to me by the doctor. You are therefore humbly requested to grant me a leave during final exams. I shall return as soon as I get better and take a make-up exam.

I hope you will understand my position.



Subject and Department name…

Registration no…