Irrational exuberance refers to investor excitement that causes asset values to rise to levels that are not supported by the fundamentals. When investors are so certain that the price of an item will continue to rise, they lose sight of its underlying worth in the stock market. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan used the phrase in a 1996 speech titled “The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society.” The lecture was given during the dot-com boom of the 1990s, which is an excellent illustration of irrational exuberance.
Irrational exuberance has come to be connected with the formation of inflated asset values associated with bubbles, which eventually burst and cause market panic. Investors encourage one another to engage in unreasonable enthusiasm. They grow so hungry for profits that they ignore the fact that the economy is worsening. They engage in a bidding war, driving prices even higher. Greenspan’s comment was made during a televised speech on December 5, 1996 (emphasis added in excerpt):
Clearly, sustained low inflation implies less uncertainty about the future, and lower risk premiums imply higher prices of stocks and other earning assets. We can see that in the inverse relationship exhibited by price/earnings ratios and the rate of inflation in the past. But how do we know when irrational exuberance has unduly escalated asset values, which then become subject to unexpected and prolonged contractions as they have in Japan over the past decade?
- ”The Challenge of Central Banking in a Democratic Society” (1996-12-05)

Irrational exuberance can just happen during the later development period of the business cycle. At the point when financial backers begin accepting that the ascent in costs in the new past predicts the future, they are going about as though there is no vulnerability on the lookout, causing a positive input circle of ever-greater costs. Greenspan went on to wonder how they are expected to recognize when an irrational exuberance situation has caused asset values to rise unnecessarily, leading to unforeseen and extended recession, as seen in Japan over the previous ten years. He also inquired as to how that analysis may be incorporated into monetary policy.
The Tokyo market was open during the discourse and quickly dropped down strongly after this remark, deterring 3%. Markets all throughout the planet followed. Greenspan wrote in his 2008 book that the expression happened to him in the bath while he was composing a discourse. It is seen to be a concern since it can generate asset price bubbles. When the bubble collapses, though, investors revert to panic selling, selling their assets for less than they’re worth based on fundamentals.
Irrational exuberance is seen as a negative since it causes asset values to skyrocket. Greenspan’s widely held reputation as the most skilled practitioner of Fedspeak, also known as Greenspeak, in the contemporary broadcast period adds to the irony of the statement and its consequences. The financial backers who get hit the hardest the ones who are still in with no reservations not long before the remedy are the careless ones who are certain that the bull run will keep going forever. In the event that financial backers rigorously followed the basics, they would dismiss these helpless speculations and stay in real money.
A confluence of events, including the 2000s commodities boom and the United States housing bubble, recouped and exceeded the dot-com losses by the mid-to-late 2000s. When a bubble bursts, investors, on the other hand, tend to panic and enter a selling zone. Alan Greenspan questioned whether central banks should handle irrational exuberance by enacting a restrictive monetary policy ahead of time. When it looks that a speculative bubble is forming, he believes the central bank should boost interest rates.
Notwithstanding, the downturn of 2007 forward cleared out these additions. The subsequent market droop brought the expression back into the public eye, where it was quite utilized looking back, to portray the overabundances of the former period. Greenspan posed the question of whether the central bank’s monetary policy can address excessive exuberance. When it appears that an uncertain bubble is forming, he believes the central bank can raise interest rates.
Investors continue to strive to outperform the market, scouring the landscape for any unnoticed profit. As a result, people pour more money into assets that are yielding lower and lower returns. As a result, there emerges a herd mentality. Investors flock to whatever asset is growing in value. They inflate the value of assets. It most commonly occurs in stocks, but it has also occurred in real estate, gold, and even Bitcoin.
Following Greenspan’s departure from the Federal Reserve Board in 2006, The Daily Episode with Jon Stewart aired An Irrationally Exuberant Tribute to Alan Greenspan, a full-length goodbye show in his honor. Greenspan noticed that low-loan costs had made a consistent profit. It prompted a lack of concern with respect to financial backers. They disregarded dangers as they looked for ever-more significant yields. He presumed that when the financial exchange or any resource class influences the economy, then, at that point, national brokers should reach out.
In the year 2000, prominent economist Robert Shiller published the book ‘Irrational Exuberance.’ His study examines the stock market’s general growth from 1982 through the dot-com boom years. Shiller’s book outlines 12 elements that contributed to the boom, as well as policy measures that may help better manage irrational exuberance. The second version of the book, published in 2005, foreshadows the housing bubble bust that occurred three years later in 2008, triggering the Great Recession.
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