Education means to develop one’s mind through formal learning in different institutions. It helps to develop a person mentally and intellectually. It helps one to meet challenges. It also helps one develop in a co-ordinate way physically, mentally, socially and intellectually. The aim of education is to enlighten every individual. Every man has some inner qualities. Education refines them properly. Its purpose is to enable one to make the right choice so that one can go ahead. In Bangladesh, all citizens must undertake twelve years of compulsory education which consists of eight years at primary school level and six years at the high school level. Primary and secondary education is financed by the state and free of charge in public schools. Education gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments. An illiterate person is always considered a burden. He cannot choose his own way of life. He has to ask others for guidance. He does not acquire the abilities to earn enough for his living. Other people have to give him a sense of direction and purpose. Thus he depends on others in every walk of life. Because of their ignorance they can never become resourceful. Education is the backbone of a country because it brings national prosperity. It makes the people responsible citizen. In Bangladesh, gender discrimination in education occurs amongst rural households but is non-existent amongst rich households. There is a great difference in the success rates of boys, as compared to girls in Bangladesh. However, in recent years some progress has been made in trying to fix this problem. The students of a country have many duties to perform. They are the future leaders of a country. So it is their duty to acquire knowledge properly and to build up their character. A nation can achieve prosperity if the people of that country are educated.
Importance of Education