
How to Watch Thursday’s “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse in Person and Via Livestream

How to Watch Thursday’s “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse in Person and Via Livestream

On Thursday, June 2021, people across Canada, Greenland, the Arctic and Russia will considered an extra special eclipse of the sun. Do not worry if you are not in those regions, a partial solar eclipse will be visible across eastern North America, most of Europe, Russia, Mongolia and even China. This planetary passage lasts about 2 hours in almost every place and is almost completely visible for about 1 hour in visibility for a few minutes. The longest duration of the “ring of fire” will be along the northwest coast of Greenland near Naires Starry where the eclipse will last about 3 minutes 51 seconds.

Overall, NASA has an interactive timing map (when the maximum amount of gold will cover), so you can plan your own visit. For the lucky ones the eclipse will be visible in any one area remember to keep them safe if you want to unveil the cosmic event and be exposed. The sun can easily damage your eyes even during an eclipse, so use appropriate sunglasses (not sunglasses), and / or binoculars and telescopes with proper filters for Sagan. If you do not have any of these, you can still create a solar scope that lets you unveil the planet without harming your eyes.

If you are planning to buy glasses, make sure they have ISO 12312-2 stamps, the lenses not scratched and have the manufacturer’s contact details on them. No matter how dark your sunglasses are, they are not enough to protect you from looking directly at the sun, even if they have partially obscured by the moon. The same advice can give with lenses from cameras to binoculars. Do not burn your eyelids! This is not an exaggeration. The sun can easily cook the ball of your eye through the telescope.

If you are not in the area where the eclipse will felt, do not worry. There are several ways to follow the online reception. For partial adoption and expert commentary, the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London is doing a live stream on its channel. You can also check out the livestream shown by the Virtual Telescope Project to show the solar eclipse described below.