HD 93129 is a massive, hot, and luminous star located in the constellation Carina. It is a member of a small cluster of stars known as Trumpler 14, which is located in the Carina Nebula, a large and active star-forming region in the Milky Way Galaxy. In Carina, HD 93129 is a triple-star system of O-class stars. HD 93129’s three stars are all among the brightest in the galaxy; HD 93129 is made up of two clearly resolved components, HD 93129 A and HD 93129 B, and HD 93129 A is made up of two much closer stars.
The estimated mass of HD 93129 is around 80-90 times that of the Sun, and its surface temperature is around 42,000 K, making it one of the hottest known stars. It is also extremely luminous, with a luminosity of around 1,000,000 times that of the Sun. HD 93129 is known to be a rapidly rotating star, with a rotational velocity of around 300 km/s, which is close to the maximum possible rotational velocity for a star of its mass.
HD 93129 A has been broken down into two parts. The brighter component dominates the spectrum, despite the fact that the secondary component is only 0.9 magnitudes fainter. Aa is an O2 supergiant, and Ab is an O3.5 main sequence star in HD 93129. Their separation has shrunk from 55 milliarcseconds in 2004 to 27 milliarcseconds in 2013, but an accurate orbit is unavailable.

HD 93129 B is an O3.5 main-sequence star 3 arcseconds away from the closer pair. It is about 1.5 magnitudes fainter than the combined HD 93129 A, and is approximately the same brightness as HD 93129 Ab.
Due to its extreme properties, HD 93129 is a subject of intensive study by astronomers. It is believed to be a very young star, with an age of around 2-3 million years. Its intense radiation and strong stellar wind have a significant impact on the surrounding environment, shaping the structure of the Carina Nebula and influencing the formation of other stars in the region. It is also a member of a multiple star system, which includes at least three other massive stars. The system is thought to be quite young, with an estimated age of around 3 million years.
Studies of HD 93129 and its companions have provided valuable insights into the formation and evolution of massive stars, as well as the complex interactions that occur within multiple star systems.