HD 108874 c is a gas giant exoplanet in the habitable zone of a G-type star. It is a gas giant identified in 2005 that orbits beyond the star’s habitable zone and receives 15.9 percent of Earth’s insolation. It has a mass of 0.99 Jupiters, takes 4.4 years to complete one orbit around its star, and is 2.659 AU away from it. It has a minimum mass close to Jupiter, but because the orbital inclination is unknown, the true mass of this planet might be substantially bigger. The planet may have a 4: 1 orbital resonance with HD 108874 b. In 2005, it was announced that it had been discovered.
HD 108874 c is an exoplanet that orbits the yellow star HD 108874 every 1599 days. It is assumed that it is a gas planet because to its enormous mass. According to what is known, is with him on the second and outermost planet in its planetary system.

HD 108874 c is an exoplanet that orbits the star HD 108874, which is 193.3 light-years (59.3 pc) from our Solar System. Its discovery was made public in 2005. HD 108874 has an apparent magnitude of 8.8 and an absolute magnitude of 4.9. It is 1.0 times more massive and 1.2 times larger than our Sun. The surface temperature is 5407 degrees Fahrenheit, with G5 spectral types. The extrasolar planet HD 108874 c orbits the star HD 108874 every 1605.8 days at an orbital distance of 2.68 AU in this planetary system.
HD 108874 c is an exoplanet that orbits the star HD 108874 in the Coma Berenices constellation. A planet orbiting a star other than the Sun is known as an exoplanet. According to the most recent parallax records, the star is 204.24 light-years or 62.62 parsecs away from Earth.
The planet’s orbital period, or year, is 1605.8 days, or 4.40 Earth years. The Earth will have completed 0.23 orbits of its star by the time it has finished a full year. The semi-major axis is the point in the orbit that is the furthest away from the star. The Earth orbits the Sun with a semi-major axis of little more than one A.U. 1 A.U. is the average distance of the Earth from the Sun. The planet orbits its star at a closer distance than Jupiter does to the Sun.