
Farewell Speech sample format by Teacher to Students

Farewell Speech sample format by Teacher to Students

Farewell Speech sample format by Teacher to Students

[Here briefly focus on sample Farewell Speech sample format by Teacher to Students. You can follow this sample farewell speech for students by the class teacher, principal, coordinator, section head, in charge, etc for outgoing college students in English. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Farewell Speech for Students by Teacher –

Good morning/Evening my dear students,

Four years back (more/less), you came to this prestigious institute as young enthusiastic boys and girls, and today, you leave as mature man and women ready to face the real world. This is the time of your life, where you choose a lifetime career for you and make your identity. (Describe in your words). Now is the time when you get serious about life and step into your professional studies. When I see you today, I see leaders of tomorrow and this brings a great sense of satisfaction to me. (Explain your expectation regarding today’s program).

Four years with you intelligent, aspiring, creative and hardworking students have been tremendous. You gave us a pretty tough time but then provided us with great humor and joyous memories to cherish. (Explain all about the program schedule and ceremony). Some of you trusted us with your personal and academic problems, and we still feel so pleased to have been able to guide and assist you in resolving your problems and move forward fearlessly. Your batch has been very lucky to have been taught by the best of bests teaching staff. (Explain your expectation regarding farewell). Thanks to their remarkable dedicated efforts you have been performing so well.

My boys and girls let me tell you this today, that life ahead is going to be very tough but let me assure you that you are going to be tougher. You have got all the potential and now you have to find the right platform for you to express your talent and make your dreams come true. (Cordially describe your wish and greetings).

I wish you all, the best of luck for your future. Wherever you go, remember to carry the values and morals taught to you here. Good Luck and Good Bye!